Chapter Seven

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"There's something in there!" Mike yelled.

Everyone just watched, dumbfounded, as El writhed in pain on the ground.

"We have to get it out! Keep her talking. Johnathon, help me." Mari instructed.

He got up and ran by her side to a kitchen. Mari bust through the doors and rummaged through the drawers.

"Look for some gloves and things I can clean the wound with!" she shouted at him.

Meanwhile, Mari found a slender yet big knife and put it over the stove flame. She let it heat for awhile until she heard El scream again.

They ran back to her side and Mari kneeled in front of her leg.

"El, this is gonna hurt like hell. But I need you stay still for me." Mari said calmly.

El nodded and Johnathon gave her something to bite down on as Mari put on the gloves. She took a deep breath before she steadily cut through El's skin.

Mari pushes away the sounds of her screams as she then stuck her fingers into the cut and searched for the creature. After ten seconds of searching, El stopped her.

"I can do it." she said weakly.

They watched as she pulled the creature out of her leg and threw the creature across the floor, where someone stomped on it.

They looked up and saw Hopper, Will's mom, and another guy.


Hopper had El in his arms as she laid on the edge of a fountain in the middle of the mall. The kids were explaining what was happening to the adults. Mari paid no attention as she was trying to clean El's wound as carefully as possible.

Mari had left the group for awhile to find a first aid kit. She came back with one and a few cleaning supplies. She took a rag and dipped it in the fountain water. El immediately winced at the contact and Mari instantly retracted.

But El saw she was trying to fix her, and gave her a nod to let her know she was okay. Mari gently continued cleaning the wound, listening every now and then to the conversation.

By the time she got done cleaning it she heard them talk about how they were gonna get through to the weapon.

Everyone dispersed as they tried to get weapons and Mari quickly wrapped El's leg up.

"All set."

She went to leave but El's weak hand grabbed hers.

"Thank you Mari."

She smiled and nodded. She went to raid some food from one of the kitchens nearby. The only one with food in its fridge happened to be the one Robin and Steve sat in.

"You confused by this shit too?" Robin asked her.

She shrugged, "Simple enough: big monster wants to eat us. Russians are in the basement. Everyone is screwed. Happy Fourth of July y'all!"

She grabbed a popsicle from the fridge and started eating it as the "Scoops Troop" was called to leave.

Robin and Steve said their goodbyes and Mari went to join the other kids. She threw her popsicle in the trash and was about to join the group but Hopper stopped her by her arm.

"Hey kid...I just wanna say thanks. For helping El. I didn't think you'd get wrapped up in all this shit so I'm sorry about that."

She grinned, "Come on, Chief. Getting into trouble I can't get myself out of? It's right up my alley."

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