out of love | daithidewildcat

449 11 4

ship: daithidewildcat / daithidenogla x i am wildcat
category: more angst
word count: 230
requested by: no one

"are you like jealous or something?" tyler asked, looking at the irish man sitting beside him. david shot him a glare, turning to not face him. "i guess that's a yes.. why?"

"you don't see the way brian looks at you, david..and the way you look at him," tyler sighed, looking over at the man.
david raised an eyebrow, "what do you even mean by that?"

tyler was tempted to yell, but decided against it. he didn't want to cause a fight to make everything worse, so he stood up and took a step away. his face softened as he looked at david. his heart dropped while emptiness filled his chest as he looked at the person he was in love with... the person who use to be in love with him.

"brian looks at you the way i still do.. and you.. you look at him.." tyler started to trail off a bit. he noticed.the look in david's face that he was slowly understanding what was happening. "..you look at him the way you use to look at me.."

once there was no response, tyler sighed and walked off. he heard david calling his name, but he decided not to look back. the silence was enough for tyler to know it was true.

david fell out of love with him.

hi again! some daithidewildcat angst for ya!
pls leave feedback & requests!
- elliot <3

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