colors | vancat

234 7 19

ship: vancat / vanossgaming x i am wildcat
side ship: fourzer0smii7y / fourzer0seven x smii7y
category: fluff
word count: 742
requested: i-love-anime-0824

the world was black and white.

at least until you found that special someone. your soulmate. you can see colors once you come into psychical contact with your soulmate. whether it's a tap on the shoulder, brush in a crowded place, or an altercation that occurred between the two.

evan had just moved into a new town, starting at a new high school. he was nervous to say the least, but also upset that he couldn't see colors. his friends found their soulmates because they were all within their friend group. jon had john, which they both thought was funny. luke had ohm and brock had marcel. they always went on and on about the colors they can see. only to leave evan in the dark, almost literally.

he walked into the school, looking like a lost puppy which he most definitely was at the moment. but he still kept his confidence high, the only thing he really had in new surroundings. he made his way over to two boys, hoping to be guided to the office.

"hi. i'm evan, i'm new here. i was hoping you guys could help me find the office." he said softly, a small smile resting on his lips.

"i'm smitty! and this is scotty!" the shorter male excitedly replied which evan found amusement out of, scotty giving a wave. "just follow us, we'll show you there!"

the three started on their walk through the halls to the office. not even a few minutes later, they stopped to a commotion in front of them. "who's that?" evan asked curiously.

scotty sighed, "that's craig and his group of hooligans, bullying poor tyler yet again this week." smitty frowned, nodding along with his words.

"and no one does anything about it?" evan questioned, shocked at the lack of care from the school system. in which smitty responded, "no one can stand up to them."
"well, that's about to change today." evan said, starting to march over to the group.

"get your hands off him!" evan called out. who he assumed was craig turned his head, simply laughing in his face. "oh lookie here, we got a newbie trying to be a hero for little, poor tyler." he chuckled, his group laughing in return.

"why don't you pick on someone your own size?" evan huffed, staring dead at craig.
"and is that someone you?" he asked, sarcasm drenched in his voice.

"sure is." he said as he swung his fist towards craig, connecting right to his jaw. the bully's eyes widen, his hand moving to his jaw to ease the pain. the whole hallway was quiet.

"let's get out of here. this isn't over, newbie!" craig tried to stay strong, but letting out a whimper as he walked away with his group of hooligans.

he shook his hand out a little, trying to shake off the pain as the adrenaline started to run out. his attention however turned to the boy on the ground against the lockers.

evan put his (other) hand out in a ways to pick him off the ground and tyler grabbed it. that's when everything changed. both of the boys' visions went white. once the white slowly faded, they both saw colors. "holy shit.." evan whispered. tyler could only laugh. "yeah.. holy shit.."

they were both just frozen there, shocked by the event that just happened. they were only shook out of it when scotty and smitty came over. "hey, lovebirds. the bell rang. and i believe evan still needs to go to the office-" scotty said, getting cut off by a hit from smitty. "c'mon, babe, they were having a moment!"

the two boys' cheeks flushed to a red. "yeah, i'm evan by the way." "tyler. thank you. no one has ever done that for me. well, scott's tried before. but thank you."

"he's right, i do have to get to the office. but.." evan trailed off as he quickly ripped out a piece of notebook paper, scribbling something on it. "text me, maybe we can hang after school, ty." and that nickname made him melt.

tyler took the paper, nodding. "ha.. yeah for sure, ev." he replied, waving goodbye to the group before walking to his next class with the biggest grin on his face.

maybe they hung out after school. and maybe they shared their first kiss a week later on their first date. and maybe they truly fell in love.

wow more fluff by me? the world must be ending.
but don't worry, a guy stays true to his brand and their will be a lot more angst coming your way ;)

pls leave feedback & requests
-elliot <33

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