betrayal pt. 2 | h2ovanoss

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ship: h2ovanoss / h2odelirious x vanossgaming
category: continued angst
word count: 371

evan hated funerals. not only did it have way too many crying people, the death became more real than ever. everytime he attended one, as tough as he acted when he was in gang activities, he cried. he usually only attended ones for people who were close to him.

when jon had gotten shot by tyler, he had recovered quickly which caused them to think it wasn't a fatal shot. three weeks after the altercation evan had with tyler, jon had gotten so much worse and eventually passed away towards the end of that third week.

the service for him had ended almost a hour ago when evan felt a presence sit by him. his face was red, eyes puffy, he was a complete mess.

"we'll move on from his death, buddy. but we need to start packing the storage unit or we're fucked," brian said, trying to convince evan to finally leave.

"i lost two people that i've loved in the matter of a month and a half, brian. one may have not cared about me, but i still loved him. i can't just pack up everything and act like nothing happen!" evan raised his voice slightly, angered by what brian was saying.

"evan, i need you to come with me, so you can help the rest of us pack. do you think you're the only one hurting? we all are! but if you don't come with me, we'll be attending your funeral next. now let's go," brian replied as calmly as he could. he understood the pain evan was feeling, but at this point, he was really pissing him off.

"fine. i'll meet you in the car. give me ten," evan sighed, watching as the irish man left.

a sob broke out from him. this is why he hated funerals. everything became too damn real. he had lost the only two people he had loved in such a short time. evan slowly got up and walked to the car where brian was waiting. it wouldn't be long till he goes insane, he just doesn't know when the breaking point will be reached. for now, he'll have to move on, at least act like it, so the others don't worry.

second part of the gang au!
again, this is an old writing of mine in a different fandom, just with name changes & adjustments.
pls leave feedback & requests.
- elliot <3

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