betrayal pt. 1 | vancat

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ship: vancat / i am wildcat x vanossgaming
category: more angst ;)
word count: 248

"give me one fucking reason not to blow your brains out right now!" evan shouted at his former gang member, and even former lover. tyler had just betrayed their group, not too long ago. it ended with jon being shot, it was almost very critical, but he'll hopefully recover.

tyler felt the barrel of the gun between his eyes, the cold metal pressed harder against his skin. he lifted his head up slightly, so he would be able to make eye contact with evan. a smirk crept onto his lips, gleaming at the man in front of him.

"you won't do it. because despite all the fucked up shit i've done to you... you're just a love sick puppy who'll crawl right back into my arms.."

evan's jaw clenched as he listened to the man he once loved talk. he was right. he was just some dumb, love sick puppy who always takes people who do him wrong back. but not this time. not when he ratted them out to the police. tyler just closed his eyes as he heard the gun being cocked.

"it won't make you feel better, but go ahead and shoot me. it will hurt you more than it will hurt me. i never loved you, you didn't even cross my mind when I shot jo-"

"you're the one who shot him?!" evan cried out, cutting tyler off. there was a bang then silence. after that, all you heard was loud sobs.

another old writing of mine that i just made some name changes and adjustments to.
i have a part 2 to this story that will be posted sometime tonight or tomorrow!
pls leave feedback & requests, even just some ships you'd like to see!
- elliot <3

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