grief | h2okryoz

212 6 8

ship: h2okryoz / kryozgaming x h2odelirious
category: angst
word count: 306

yells filled the jo(h)n² house yet again for that week, their fighting never ending anymore it seems. it drove john nuts, absolutely nuts. he could barely handle it anymore. they were usually all petty problems that developed into bigger fights, except for this one.

"you're going to tell me you love me when you obviously can't stop thinking about luke!" john cried out, looking at the blue-hooded boy with glassy eyes.

"i don't love luke like i love you, john! how many times do i have to tell you this?" jon huffed out, tired of the accusations of him loving luke more than a friend.

"you have canceled two dates of ours within a week because you were busy with luke! and you don't even cancel until i get there and i look like a complete idiot!" john yelled in response, lips quivering.

"maybe, maybe.. if we had never met, it would have saved us both some grief." jon sighed as he lowered his head. john let out a small gasp, tears feeling his eyes.

"is this what.. t-this was to you? j-just some big mistake?" he let out a small sob.

"no, john! that's now how i meant-"
"get out."
"what? no, john i'm sorry, you can't be ser-"
"you heard me. g-get out. i don't w-want to see you right now.." he whimpered, leaving his boyfriend to the upstairs bedroom.

jon did indeed leave, deciding it was best to give him some time. he sat in his car for who knows how long sobbing.

"you fucking idiot!" he yelled at himself, smacking the steering wheel. "hurting an innocent boy who did nothing, but love you. i'm such an asshole!"

he drove off, probably deciding to get shitfaced somewhere to drown the grief of possibly losing his boyfriend.

hehe some h2okryoz angst cause i love this rare pair n there's nothing of them
part 2 for this maybe ?? let me know if you wanna see that!
pls leave feedback & requests
- elliot <3

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