final day | delitoonz

212 7 8

ship: delitoonz / cartoonz x h2odelirious
category: cute fluff ;) surprising i know
word count: 398
requested: i-love-anime-0824

had jonathan taken his trip for granted? did he completely waste the time he had with luke? both possible.

he was so happy to finally hang out with his best friend and longtime crush. they had planned their meet-up for months in advanced, jonathan only being able to stay a week at luke's house though.

it was their last full day and jonathan still did not do what he had planned to do for this trip. confess his feelings for luke. he was terrified. even if luke didn't like him back, he felt as if he'd still want ti be friends. that was the only thing keeping jonathan sane.

obviously his concentration and worry got a bit of luke's attention. "hey, jon. are you okay? you look completely out of it, dude."

"hm? oh yeah. i'm fine! just sad that this will be our last day together." he sighed as he focused onto the other.

"it definitely sucks. how about we go to the fair in town tonight? as a last day adventure!" luke cheered, laughing at himself which got jon to laugh.
"that sounds great, let's do it!"

maybe this could be the moment to tell luke.

̣̇.˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑.₊̣̇. ₊̣̇.˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑.₊̣̇. ₊̣̇.˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑.₊̣̇. ₊̣̇.˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑.₊̣̇. ₊̣̇.

it's been a fun-filled two hours since they arrived to the fair. jon tried deep friend oreos for the first time, luke won him a teddy bear, and they went through a mirror maze where they both kept running into walls.

"let's go on the ferris wheel next!" luke said, grabbing jon's hand and leading him over to the land. to say his heart melted at the small interaction was an understatement.

the ride slowly brought them to the top, stopping once getting there.

"luke? can i tell you something?" jon whispered.
"yeah? of course. you can tell me anything."

"i.. i love you. and i get if you don't feel the same, i hope we ca-" jon was cut off by a pair of lips connecting to his.

"you're an idiot, jon. i've been flirting with you this whole time you've been in! but you weren't really taking anything seriously, so i didn't make an actual move."

"seriously? oh my god.." he laughed. "this is so cheesy.."

"definitely. so let's finish the cheesiness, jonathan, will you officially be my boyfriend?" luke asked, looking over at the male.

"of course."

elliot??? writing fluff??? unthinkable!
sorry if it's too cheesy.. it's the only fluff i know how to write.
pls leave feedback & requests (request on first chapter or here is fine) <3
- elliot <33

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