the day after | basicallyido407

389 10 20

ship: basicallyido407 / basicallyidowrk x fourzer0seven
category: short yet angsty
word count: 300
requested: bloopy-moons
i got this idea from someone's bbs text fic, but i can't find it for the life of me, so i apologize for the bad credit given

marcel woke up with a killer headache, groaning quietly as he sat up. he yelped as he felt a pain in his ass (a/n: that's right fuckers marcel's the bottom here).

he looked over and noticed his best friend, scotty, slowly waking up. they've slept in the same bed before.. only problem is they were both naked. scotty didn't realize what had happened, but the dots were all connected within marcel's mind.

"oh fuck.." he whispered as he quickly got himself dressed, hoping to just get the fuck out of there so all can be forgotten.

it was a big mistake. marcel was in love with scotty and this could have possibly ruined everything. especially their friendship.

"marcel, what happened last night?" he grumbled.
"i.. i believe we had sex last night, scott.." he sighed quietly, pulling his shirt over his head.

"yeah.. well, i'll just be on my way out of here.." marcel said quickly, walking out the door before scotty could even get a word out.

scotty sat there as the events of the night before slowly came back to him. he rested his face onto his hands, groaning since he was such an idiot.

̣̇.˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑.₊̣̇. ₊̣̇.˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑.₊̣̇. ₊̣̇.˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑.₊̣̇. ₊̣̇.˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑.₊̣̇. ₊̣̇.

hey, marcel..

can we talk about what happened?

i know you're on your phone..

don't ignore me like this..

fine go ahead and act like this

i'm sorry. for ignoring you.
im scared to lose our friendship.

you won't. we're fine.
besides it was just a
drunken mistake, right?

no, i love you. it meant
everything to me, asshole.
error: message not delivered

haha, yeah just some
drunken mistake.

so we're good?

yep, we're a-okay

marcel, i love you
error: message not delivered

hehe the classic message not delivered to add to the angst >:)
leave feedback & requests??
- elliot <33

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