Chapter 24

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Freya had pushed Flash away as soon as he kissed her

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Freya had pushed Flash away as soon as he kissed her. She was on her way back to the kitchen when Flash had stopped her and pinned her against the wall. She could smell the alcohol on him as soon as he pushed her into the wall and wanted nothing more but to push him away but she isn't that strong anymore.

She was able to push Flash away after many attempts "Why did you do that?"

Flash smirked and tried to move towards her but she moved out of the way "Because I like you duh"

Freya saw a flash of blue plaid and recognised it instantly knowing it was the same flannel Peter had wore to the party.

She walked way from Flash who was shouting her name but she ignored him as she pushed through the crowd. She sighed in relief when she saw Ned.

"Hey have you seen Peter?" Ned avoided eye contact "he went home"

Freya gave him a confused look "why?"

Ned sighed and finally looked up at her "you know why"

Freya's heart dropped "he saw" Ned nodded his head.

"Peter isn't the person to get close to someone because he always ends up hurt" Freya ran her hand through her hair "I didn't mean to hurt him"

Ned smiled sadly "I know you didn't. But just give him some time"


After calling Happy to pick her up Freya waiting outside the house. She tightened the jacket around herself as the cold breeze blew.

She looked around the dark street as she felt as if someone was watching her. She jumped when a car horn went off and saw Happy's car.

When it was only her that got in Happy was confused "Where's the kid?"

Freya shrugged "He went home"

The rest of the ride back to the compound was quiet. When she walked into the compound Tony was waiting for her but when she walked past him and ignored him he knew something was wrong.

He took out his phone to text Peter.

Peter sighed when he read the text from Tony she came home upset what happened?

Peter didn't bother to reply and instead just swung through the dark streets of Queens.

Freya layed in bed unable to fall asleep. She wanted to text Peter to see if he was okay but knew he'd most likely won't answer.

There was a slight tapping on her window but she ignored it thinking it was just the rain. The tapping got louder and she got up to check what it was.

She was shocked when she opened the curtain to see Peter hanging with his spiderman suit on.

She opened the window "Peter what are you doing here?"

Peter clutched his side and winced in pain "I got jumped and I didn't want May to see me like this"

Freya helped Peter through the window and over to her bed. She knelt down in front of him "how badly are you hurt?"

"Peter shrugged but winced "I don't know it just bloody hurts"

Freya reached foward to take his suit off but hesitated as she looked up at him "Is it okay if I-"

Peter nodded his head and Freya helped him take the suit off revealing his cut and bruised chest.

Peter hesitated but took of his mask and Freya couldn't help but gasp at the sight. His right eye was swollen shut and had bruises covering both of his cheeks.

She took his hands and looked at his cut knuckles. She looked back up at him "are you sure you got jumped or did you start a fight?"

When Peter didn't reply Freya knew the real answer.

She sighed and stood up "I'll go get you some ice" she left the room before he could say anything and sneaked into the kitchen to find an ice pack.

When she got back to the room Peter was leant against the headboard and his suit still around his waist.

Freya walked into the bathroom to grab the first aid kit before making her way over to him. She wrapped the ice pack in a towel and handed it to him. He took it and placed it on his right eye and watched as she knelt down beside him with the first aid kit.

It was silent while she worked on cleaning his cuts and iced his bruises.

She moved to start on the cuts on his face. Peter tried to ignore the feeling in his chest with how close their faces were as she checked the cuts.

"Why'd you start a fight?"

"Why'd you kiss Flash?" Peter couldn't stop himself from asking the question.

Freya stopped what she was doing and glared at him "Why do you assume I kissed him?"

Peter huffed and took the ice pack away from his eye "Because I watched you"

Freya rolled her eyes "You watched him kiss me"

Peter went to speak but Freya cut him off "If you were wondering I was heading back to the kitchen when Flash cornered me, he took me by surprise"

Peter felt like a complete idiot "So you didn't kiss him?"

Freya shook her head and took the ice pack from him to place back on his eye.

"If I'm being honest he wasn't the boy I wanted to kiss me tonight"

Peter's breath got caught in his throat when he saw the look she was giving him. He smiled slightly and grabbed her hand.

So this story is #11 in Tom Holland and #20 in Peter Parker 😅

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