Chapter 33

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It had been a hour or so since Freya's comms went dead and Peter has been pacing the room ever since

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It had been a hour or so since Freya's comms went dead and Peter has been pacing the room ever since.

Tony was on the phone to Steve so Peter wouldn't hear them "How bad is it?"

Steve sighed on the other end of the phone "She was shot in the chest"

Tony sat back down in his chair and looked over at Peter who wouldn't stop pacing "Tony she's losing way to much blood"

"I'll have the medical team ready for when you get here" he ended the call and stared at Peter "Peter you need to calm down"

Peter shook his head and shot him a look "don't tell me to calm down. You shouldn't of let her go in the first place"

Tony leant forward "I didn't make her go. It was her choice"

Peter scoffed but was struggling to keep his emotions in as he felt his throat tighten "If she dies it's on you" with that he walked out of the room.

Tony put his head in his hands while he waited for the jet to arrive.

Peter was stood outside the main door while he waited for them to get back.

He watched as the jet landed a few feet in front of him. He didn't even hesitate as he ran towards it as the door opened.

He froze in his tracks when he saw Bucky walk out with Freya in his arms.

"Oh my god" He ran up to them. Bucky let him take her from him.

Peter looked down at her as he made his way inside. Her face was covered in blood and peter didn't know if it was hers or not.

Once Peter got to the medical wing he let the doctors do their work while he stood of to the side.

He turned to Bucky with tears in his eyes "What happened to her?"

Bucky looked down at his blood stained hands "We found the men that she was following and tried to fight them off but they were too strong. One of them went to shoot me but she pushed me out of the way"

Bucky looked over to Freya "She saved my life"

One of the nurses pushed them out of the room so they could prep her for surgery.

Peter leant against the wall and slid down to the floor. He looked at his shaking blood stained hands before he clenched them in frustration.

He felt someone kneel down next to him and grab his shoulder. He looked up and Steve's heart broke when he saw the tears fall.

Peter didn't know how long he sat there but he refused to leave his spot on the floor.

Tony stood a few feet away and watched as Peter tired to rub of the blood on his hands "maybe you should go and get cleaned up"

Peter didn't bother looking up "I'm fine"

Tony sighed and moved to sit next to him "You can be mad all you want but I didn't make her part of the team, S.H.I.E.L.D did. If you want to take your anger out on someone, take it out on them not me"

Peter looked up at Tony "I'm sorry I just-"

Tony smiled sadly "you don't want loose her'

Peter nodded his head and looked back down. Tony patted his shoulder "I know how you feel"

Peter sniffed and wiped a tear away when he noticed Bucky stood close by.

Bucky stood there awkwardly before taking something out of his pocket "She was holding these before she was hit"

Tony stood up and took the viles from Bucky to examine them. His head shot up in surprise when he realised what it was "Is this?"

Bucky nodded "yeah it is"

Peter stood up "What is it?" Tony threw one of the viles in the air before catching it "This is the same stuff they used to create the Winter Solider"

Peter's eyes widened as he took one of the viles "I thought all of it was destroyed"

Bucky shrugged "I did too but this is Hydra"

One of the nurses left Freya's room and Tony walked over to speak to her. Peter bounced on his feet nervously as he waited for him to come back over.

Tony finally made his way back over and looked at Peter nervously "They were able to get the bullet out but-"

Peter felt like he was going to be sick when he saw Tony's face "But?"

Tony sighed "But there was a lot of internal bleeding and the bullet hit her spine. The bleeding is pressing against her spinal cord"

Peter's eyes widened slightly as Tony continued "They think she may heal on her own but with the amount of damage to her spine it may not happen"

Bucky looked down at the news. She took that bullet for him and now she's potentially paralyzed.

Bucky looked at the vile in his hand and back up to Tony "I may have a way of helping her"

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