Chapter 32

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Things were going great for Freya and Peter

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Things were going great for Freya and Peter. They spent majority of their time together which was spent either school, studying, training and the occasional mini make out sessions in between.

Tony watched the two of them together and couldn't help but smile seeing both of them so happy.

It had been weeks since the secretary called him but he never answered knowing what he was going to get Tony to do and he didn't want to do it.

Freya searched the hallway for Peter. She bounced on her feet excitedly as she searched and her smile grew when she spotted him walking out of his classroom.

She walked over to him and grabbed his hand to drag him down the hall. Peter tried to slow her down but she was determined.

Once they were out of ear shot she smiled widely at him "guess what?"

Peter looked at her confused but smiled at how happy she looked "What?"

Freya looked around to make sure no one was listening before turning back to Peter "I'm going on my first mission"

Peter's eyes widened "wait what?"

"Steve found another Hydra hideout and wants me to help"

Peter bit his lip nervously "Are you sure you're up to this?"

Freya nodded "They took everything from me. I want to end them more than they do"

Peter sighed "When do you go?"

Freya played with a loose thread of her jumper "Tonight"


Peter sat back on her bed while she finished getting everything ready. He hadn't said much since she told him about the mission.

He watched her as she moved around the room. She stopped when she was in front of him and sighed "Stop giving me that look"

Peter sighed "And what look is that?"

Freya say next to him and grabbed his hand "You're 'I should be coming too' look"

Peter squeezed her hand "Why is that such a bad thing?"

Freya rolled her eyes and moved so she could see him better "Peter, I need to do this. I'm getting so much better with controlling it, I need to show them what I can do"

Freya stood up and walked towards the door "Besides Tony needs your suit anyway for updating it"

Peter groaned and stood up as well "I don't need an upgrade, he's just keeping me here like a kid"

Freya walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist "I promise you I'll come back in one piece"

Peter went to speak but Freya placed her finger on his lips to stop him "and I'll be on comms with Tony the whole time, you can listen in"

Peter reached up and gently removed her hand from his mouth. He sighed and kissed the palm of her hand before dropping it "okay"

Freya smiled and pulled him into a hug. Peter didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her as he pulled her closer.

They both looked up when someone knocked on the door. Natasha stood there and sent them a small smile "we're leaving in five"

Freya nodded and smiled back "I'll be out in a minute"

Freya looked back up to Peter and pulled him into a kiss. Peter sighed into the kiss, not wanting it to end but she pulled back too soon.


Peter was stood nervously in the meeting room watching the monitors. Tony stood in front of them talking to Natasha about the plan.

Peter kept looking at Freya's vitals on the screen when they left the jet.

Freya looked around the perimeter before talking into her ear piece "hey Tony is Peter still worrying?"

Tony sighed and looked at Peter briefly before answering "He's always going to worry"

Freya sighed as she walked towards the camp "Of course he will"

Tony looked at the security cameras "There are a few heat signatures in the first building"

Natasha was the one that answered "I'm on it"

Tony looked through the camera footage again but couldn't see Freya at all "Freya where are you?"

This caught Peter's attention. He stood up when he noticed Tony's face "What's wrong?"

"I can't see her and she's not responding" Peter felt his heart drop.

"Cap where is she?" There was some fighting on Cap's comms "She ran off! Bucky find Freya!"

Peter ran his hand through his hair in frustration as he turned back to her comms.

"I-Im here" Peter sighed in relief "Where the hell did you go?"

"I saw one of them carry a brief case inside"

Tony pitched the end of his nose "Get out of there"

Freya looked around the dark corridor and shook her head "No they're hiding something"

Tony groaned to himself "You're just as stubborn as me"

Freya stopped in the middle of the corridor and rolled her eyes "I heard that"

"Just find what it is and get out" It didn't take long for the fighting to start on her end.

Tony cursed under his breath "Cap give her back-" Tony was cut of by Freya screaming in pain before her comms went dead.

Peter's eyes widened as he whipped around to see Tony standing there in shock "What the hell just happened?"

Peter turned around and grabbed his suit from the chair and ready to run out of the room but Steve's voice over the comms made him stop exactly where he was.

Just wanted to say thank you so much for the seven thousand reads.

Also I have now officially finished writing this book and can confirm that there will be a second book, which I am now currently writing.

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