Chapter 44

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                                                                                        For the next few days Peter had avoided seeing and talking to Freya

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For the next few days Peter had avoided seeing and talking to Freya. She's tried calling him but he'd ignore her calls and has even started to walk away when he sees her in the hallway at school.

Ned would shoot her a sad look every time and said to give him time and she's tried but he's completely blocking her out.

Freya looked down at her phone after sending Peter another text. She went to his apartment after school but May said he wasn't home but she saw his backpack by the door so she knew he had just got in. 

She sighed and threw her phone to the other side of the couch. She hates the fact that he won't talk to her and she understands why, she did see something from him but it was to protect him. She now wishes she just told him as soon as the others told her.

She perked up when she heard her phone ring and reached to get but sighed when she saw it was only Tony. She pressed the answer button and held the phone to her ear "Hey"

"Are you with Peter right now?" Freya sighed and ran her hand through her hair "He's not exactly talking to me right now, why?"

"Well F.R.I.D.A.Y has just notified me that Peter is hurt" Freya sat up immediately "What do you mean he's hurt?

"I don't know and he's not answering my calls, He's on 24th Street. I am on my way now but you'll get there first"

Freya's eyes widened as she went to grab her shoes. She ended the call and tried to call Peter again while she ran out of the compound but swore when he didn't answer.

Freya ran all the way to 24th Street. She looked around to see Police cars surrounding the area. She looked through the crowd but she could not see Peter or Spiderman anywhere.

"Where the hell are you?" She looked up to one of the buildings and saw a figure sitting on the ledge. She ran over to the alleyway next to it and looked around to see if anyone was looking.

When she saw no one she closed her eyes and held her hands out next to her "Okay I haven't tried this before but lets give it a go"

She pictured in her head of her body lifting of the floor. When she opened her eyes she looked down to see her entire body glowing. Her eyes widened when she lifted off the floor and flew to the top of the building.

She landed on her feet and looked down at her hands in surprise. She was not able to do that before.

Her head shot up when she heard someone groan in pain. Her eyes widened when she saw Spiderman sitting on the ledge holding his side in pain.

Freya ran over to him and knelt down next to him. She placed her hand on his shoulder which caused Peter to jump in surprise. He turned to her and the white eyes on his mask widened slightly when he realised it was her "How'd you get up here?"

Freya shook her head "That's not important right now. Where are you hurt?"

Peter shrugged her off and stood up trying to wince in pain "I'm fine"

Freya rolled her eyes and followed him "You're clearly not. Tony was notified, he's on his way"

Peter took his mask off and shot her a look "of course he is. Well I'm fine, you can go home now"

Freya shook her head "I'm not going anywhere until you talk to me"

Peter shook his head and walked towards the ledge of the building. Freya stepped closer so she was behind him "I understand why you're angry at me"

Peter laughed and turned to face her "No you don't understand why I'm angry"

Freya crossed her arms "Then tell me why"

Peter looked away from her "I'm so angry because you kept this from me.  I'm upset because I had to find out that way and not from my own girlfriend, who was the one that died!"

He started to walk towards her "I'm angry because I just found out that I nearly lost you for good this time. I've lost a lot of people that I care about and it scares me just at the thought of losing you"

Peter grabbed her hands and looked her right in the eye "If I were to lose you I'll a part of myself. I won't be able to keep going if you weren't here with me" He let go of one of her hands and placed his hand on her cheek "I didn't know it until recently but I'm sure about this, I'm in love with you Freya Stark"

Freya stood there in shock at his words, not expecting him to say them. Peter bit his lip nervously and sent her a anxious smile "Say something please"

Freya got out of her shock and leant up to kiss him. She pulled back with a huge smile on her face and rested her forehead on his "I'm in love you Peter Parker"

Peter smiled slightly and felt like a big weight has been lifted off his shoulders now that he finally told her, and that she felt the same way.

Freya leant back and sighed "And I am so sorry for not telling you sooner. I thought by not telling you I was spearing you the pain but I guess I just made it worse"

Peter pulled her into hug completely forgetting that he is bleeding and kissed her head "It's okay, just no more secrets"

Freya leant back and smiled "No more secrets I promise" Peter smiled and leant in to kiss her but when her hand brushed his side he winced in pain.

Freya frowned and stepped back. She lifted her hand up and her eyes widened when it was covered in blood.

Peter smiled guilty "I also forgot to say I was bleeding" Freya sighed but wrapped his arm around her shoulder "Come on"

Peter winced at every step but stopped when he realised something "You never told me how you got up here"

Freya bit her lip and shook her head "That is a story for another time, now come on before you bleed out"

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