Chapter 55

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Peter didn't know what to say as he watched as Freya, or someone who just looked like her, pace on the other side of the glass, not once breaking eye contact with him

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Peter didn't know what to say as he watched as Freya, or someone who just looked like her, pace on the other side of the glass, not once breaking eye contact with him.

She stopped in front of him and titled her head to the side as she examined him through the glass "You know she's yelling at me right now to not hurt you"

Peter glared at her "I don't care what you do to me as long as you stop hurting her"

Freya rolled her eyes "Maybe I'll stop hurting her when she stops fighting" She then shot her head towards Wanda and glared at her "And maybe you should stop trying to communicate with her or I'll hurt her even more"

Peter's eyes widened when he noticed her moving her glowing hands towards her chest. She smirked at them "Whatever I feel, she feels it too"

Peter reached for Wanda's hand knowing that what she was saying was true and put it down by her side. Freya put her hand down once he did and smirked "Good choice"

"Where did you come from?" Freya looked at Bruce in surprise "I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet? I mean my power must've come from somewhere. A certain object hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D perhaps"

Bruce's eyes widened when he figured it out "The Tesseract"

Peter's head shot towards Bruce in surprise "I thought Loki had the Tesseract?" Bruce sighed and took his glasses off "S.H.I.E.L.D found the Tesseract alongside Steve in the ice. They had it for years"

Bruce glared at Freya "What do you want?" Freya smirked and rested her hands on the glass but not saying a word.

Bruce became inpatient with the lack of answers and hit the glass with his fist causing Freya to move back from the impact but the smirk never left her face. "Calm down jolly green"

Bruce glared at Tony who had decided to step in seeing Bruce becoming angry "Took your damn time"

Tony crossed his arms and stared at Freya who stared right back "It was your plan from the start wasn't it? Make her believe that I killed her parents, make her hate us so much that she'd want to kill us herself"

Freya looked impressed that finally one of them finally figured it out "Well actually I wanted her to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D for me but then someone got in the way" Peter's eyes widened when her glare landed on him.

Freya stepped closer to the glass, crossing her arms over her chest as she watched him "I had her under my control and as soon as you came by she started to have more control. She started to remember things. When she realised what was happening she wanted out but she can't get rid of me that easily, she knew that so I told her to kill you"

Peter stepped back slightly now understand why Freya was acting strange when they found her "That was what she was talking about earlier" Freya rolled her eyes "She won't do it no matter what I do to her"

She smirked once again as she realised something. She hid the smirk by covering her face with her hair but Peter saw a glimpse of it "But if she won't do it then I'll just have to do it myself"

Tony glared at her through the glass "You can't hurt anyone while you're locked away in there"

She nodded and looked down at her hands "You're right. I can't hurt any of you, But I can hurt her"

Peter's eyes widened when her burning hand reached up and landed on her chest. Peter hit the glass "STOP IT!" But she only laughed and did it again.

He glanced over his shoulder at Tony after another failed attempt "Let me in!"

Tony shook his head knowing what she was doing "It's a trick"

Peter groaned "I don't care! Let me in there!" Tony made his way over to the door to unlock it. Once it was unlocked Peter barged past him and made his way over to Freya. She stopped what she was doing and laughed "I knew you'd fall for it"

Peter took matters into his own hands and picked her up and pinned her against the wall. He used the web shooters on his wrists, that were hidden by the sleeves of his jacket and webbed each of her hands to the wall.

She looked at him impressed "I may have underestimated you" She then looked down at her webbed hands "But you do know I can easily get out of this"

Peter nodded his head "I know you can but I'm not going to give you the chance to" with that he reached into his jacket pocket for the syringe that he had taken from Steve on the way back to the compound without Steve knowing and stuck it into her neck.

He watched as she swayed and he removed the webbing once she was passed out and placed her gently on the bed. He had no idea how long it was going to last since she was clearly getting stronger but it was going to by them some time to bring her back.

Peter turned to Bruce and Tony who were stood at the door looking at him impressed. He pointed towards his girlfriend "I hope you have a plan on getting rid of this"

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