Chapter 30

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                                          Friday came around and Peter was a nervous wreck

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Friday came around and Peter was a nervous wreck. He kept pacing his apartment while he waited for Freya to arrive.

After speaking with May she let him have the apartment for the evening so he could plan a dinner. And by dinner  he meant order take out.

Peter froze in his spot when there was a knock on the front door. He looked around the room one last time before finally making his way to the door.

He opened the door but his eyes widened slightly at Freya. Freya looked down at her dress nervously "is this okay? I didn't really know how to dress"

Peter cleared his throat and shook his head "no, It's perfect"

Freya smiled and pointed behind Peter "So are you going to let me in or are we just going to stand here all night?"

Peter finally shook himself out of his daze and opened the door wider for her to walk through.

Freya walked over to the table and smiled when she saw the food.


After eating dinner they moved to the couch. Peter was laying on his back while Freya rested between his legs.

Freya looked up at him after she finished laughing "so that vulture guy was your date to homecoming's dad?"

Peter groaned which caused her to giggle even more "It was the most awkward car ride ever"

Freya rested her head back on his chest and Peter started to run his fingers up and down her arm "Why didn't you tell us about your birthday?"

Freya sighed "I never really celebrated my birthday so I thought it wouldn't be a big deal if I didn't say anything"

Freya started to play with his flannel "How did you get your Spidey powers?"

"I got bit by a spider. Who was your first kiss?"

Freya shook her head and sat up "Pass"

Peter chuckled and sat up "oh come on, you asked me and I told you"

Freya looked down and played with the hem of her dress "if I do you'll make fun of me"

Peter gently grabbed her face to make her look at him "I promise I won't"

Freya sighed and looked down "It was Flash"

Peter dropped his hand in surprise as he stared at her. She looked at him nervously when he didn't speak "please say something"

"So what you're tell me is that your first ever kiss was with Flash at the Party" Freya bit her lip and nodded.

"If I'm being honest I shouldn't really count that as a kiss since I didn't kiss him back but yeah"

Peter sat back at her confession. Freya looked at him confused "Why are you so surprised?"

Peter shook his head "It's just that you're beautiful and it just surprises me that you'd never kissed anyone before"

Peter realised what he had said and blushed and looked away while Freya smiled "You think I'm beautiful?"

Peter turned back to face her "Of course I do"

Freya leant forward and kissed him briefly. Peter smiled when she pulled away "I do have one more question"

Freya smiled back and hummed "what is it?"

"You can say no if you don't want to-" Freya laughed at his rambling and grabbed his hand "what do you want to ask me?"

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Instead of giving him a response she leant in and pulled him in for a proper kiss.

Peter pulled away and smiled "I assume that's a yes?"

Freya mirrored his smile and nodded.

Peter leant in but was cut off with her phone going off. Peter groaned knowing what that meant.

Freya smiled guilty at him and took it out to read the text "Happy is downstairs"

Peter sighed and sat back "Of course he is"

Freya rolled her eyes and stood up walking over to the table to grab her jacket.

She turned around when she had it on and chuckled when she saw that Peter was pouting "oh come on you'll see me tomorrow"

Peter mumbled under his breath but followed her towards the door "I'll walk you out"

They walked down to the main door to see Happy stood outside his car.

Peter waved awkwardly at Happy and shoved his hands in his pockets. He turned to Freya and kissed her on the cheek "I'll see you tomorrow"

Freya nodded and wrapped her arms around his waist. Peter sighed happily as he wrapped his arms around her.

Peter looked towards Happy who was giving him a thumbs up. Peter rolled his eyes, pulling away from Freya only to kiss her on the lips.

Freya walked towards the car and waved at Peter before getting into the car.

Peter stood there with a huge smile on his face as he watched them drive away.

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