Chapter Eight- Kidnapped

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I wake up and look around. The room is dark and has a nasty musky smell to it. I try to move but my hands and legs are tied, I try to scream but something is around my mouth. I stop moving and twist my wrists and feel the familiar pain of rope digging into my skin. I thrust my tongue out and feel the tape start to pull at my skin.

I start letting myself dribble to loosen the stickiness of the tape. Once I can freely move my lips under the tape I hook my bottom lip under the tape, Using my teeth I bit and pulled the tape off my mouth. I then began working on my hands. I took a loop of the rope and twisted it through the bit hooked around my wrist and pulled, freeing my hand. I then untied my other hand and began working on my feet.

Once I am free of the rope I stand up and start feeling around. I am in a cellar. I see a small light on the other end of the cellar. I walk towards the light to find a small window. I open the window and look outside, there are two men in the front of the house and another two in the back. There is stacks of hay under the window, another by the fence and open woods behind the fence. I look at the men and calculate the odds. I pull my torso out the window and jump on the hay, it stabs my feet and causes me to bleed, but I must keep going.

I jump off the hay and hide behind it careful of the guys. When the coast is clear I run across the yard and make it behind the hay. I thought this was way too easy. I look around and then Climb the hay feeling them stab my feet causing them to bleed more I jump over the fence and breathe. "I did it!" I thought to myself. That is when I saw him.

"You?" I said dumbfounded. "You're the one who kidnapped me?"


Author's note

I am so excited to be writing the next few chapters. Thank you guys so much for giving my book a chance. I will try to set a schedule for updating but I don't know yet. Maybe if this book gets more serious then I will but Idk. 

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