Chapter thirteen- The encounter Part two

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     I call him back "I'm outside." and with that I hang up the phone. After a few minutes they come outside and get into the car. I drive off without one word. I drive and drive with no set destination until one of them says something, I don't know which. "Where are we going?" I ignore him and keep on driving. Finally, about ten minutes of just driving i speak up. "Tell me everything and I don't want a single detail left out." I said. They look at each other and back at me. Russell starts.

     "I can only tell you my version but he has to tell you the story in his perspective" Russel says. I roll my eyes. "Julian start speaking" My voice cracks at his name.


                                                        Julian's point of view

  "WHERE IS MY MONEY!" Russel yell at the redhead in front of me.

"I... I am sorry" She starts sobbing. "VANESSA, I am losing my patience. Where is my money?" He ask one more time. "Please I'll do anything just please don't kill me" she begs. He sighed. "You have two hours to bring me my money or I will not show you any mercy." He says and walks out. I follow suit. "Russel I have to go work at the diner. But I will be back tonight." I tell him. "Do not forget our plan, remember I still have all the control here partner's or not I know where your mom lives." He threatens me again. I roll my eyes. "Russ, you have to stop threatening me with my mom, if I was going to fail you I would have left with her already. Besides I feel like today is going to be the perfect day to get you a bride!" I say walking out.

                                                                              ~~~ Hours later~~~

  The same bell had rung for the hundredth time today. I sigh and look over. A beautiful blue eyed, with ginger brown hair walks into the diner. I mentally scream. Today could not have been anymore perfect. Rachel was about to take her table when I stopped her. "Hey Rach, its okay I will take this one." I say with a small smile. "Okay, thank you" she says. I smile and head over to her.

  "Hi, there Miss. My name is Julian and I'll be your waiter for the day, here is a menu may I interest you in a drink?" I say smiling.

  "Hi, can I have a small Dr. pepper, and a small order of onion rings please?" she asks politely.

 I nod my head, "Coming right up" and with that I walk into the back dropping an order of fries and I pour her drink. As the onion rings are cooking I call Russel.

 "I think I may have found the perfect candidate for you." I say and hang up. I grab her food and bring it back to her. She instantly greets me with a smile. "Thank you Julian" she says. "Is there anything else I can get for you?" I asked. She shakes her head no "No I am all set thank you." I smile and say "You are welcome" as I walk away. I wait for her to finish her food before going back to her table. "Are you all set?"I ask. She nods. "Yes. I am, thank you." I clean up her trays and try to start small talk.

  " I have not seen you around here, are you new to town?"

"I just moved here last night"

 " Cool"

"Yeah. How long have you been working here?"

" My Granddad owns the place, I pretty much grew up here"

" That must of been fun"

"At times"

She points at the seat in front of her "please sit," she says. I do so. I am in boys lets go. We talk for hours until her phone rings.

"Excuse me. I have to take this, sorry." she says getting up.

"It's okay, I should be getting back to work anyway." I say doing the same. " Wait, I didn't pay for the food." she said scrambling for her wallet.

"On the house" I shrug, to which she thanked me and ran out. Moments later she returns and sits at the bar ordering a milkshake. I laugh "Everything okay? You look frustrated." She sighs "Yeah, that was the real estate lady, she said she won't be able to help me today. After I waited all day for her." she says rolling her eyes. "I am probably just going to drive around town and house shop that way."

"My shift ends in about an hour I can help if you would like?" I offers. "Oh that's alright, I don't want to trouble you." she politely declines but I won't let this opportunity escape me."Don't worry. I insist. I know some pretty nice places for not a lot of money." I try again. "Okay. Sure." she finally says.

After my shift I take her to look at some houses and purposely making her wait for the last house. I take her to my house and give her a tour. She instantly falls in love with the house. When she is not looking I text Ginger and tell him to meet me in the morning to set a "closing deal" on the house.


At the beach I actually was having fun. A tinge of regret struck me. I don't want to give her up I started to develop feelings for her. She is so kind, so sweet.

                                                                          ~~~Back to the present~~~

"And that is when I showed up" Russel cuts in. "I tried to tell him that I didn't want to involve you in this but then your bad ass came over and told him off and gave him a good taste of what your all about and not only did I fall for you more, you pissed him off and made him want you more." I say starting to tear up. "I am sorry." He says. Russel laughs. "When I had you kidnapped I knew I would never get you to marry me but if you managed to escape I was going to make you my business partner, but of course I had to do a background check just to make sure you are not a spy for the enemies, or the DEA." He says. "But when i could not find as trace of you aI was interested."

                                                                                    Ember's point of view

I am dumbstruck. How could I have been so stupid. I drive the boys back to Russel's house and I finally speak up "I'm living in your house... I have been for years." I sigh "Get off my car" I demand. "I am going back home... if I can even call it that anymore. I need to think. I need to process. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Russel said something before walking into his house that makes my heart drop.

"Just so you know we are married."


Author's note:

One secret has come to light. I can't wait to write The Final Reveal. Please vote and comment. I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Just wait for the next couple of chapters. They are going to be so drama pacts its insane!

I love you guys. Your all amazing! Have a wonderful day Loves!!

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