Chapter Twelve- The Encounter Part One

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Author's Note: This chapter has been updated I added some things for the next chapter to make sense. 

"Let's get down to business." I said as soon as I walk into Russell's house. I want some answers before any negotiation happens." I demand. Russell looks at me like I have grown five different heads. "You seriously are reckless. There is not one minute where you are not demanding something." He says annoyed. "That's how you have to be in life, otherwise people will be walking all over you." I mumble. Russell sits down. "What do you want to know?" he says staring intently at me. "First of all, how am I involved in all of this?" I ask. He sighs.

"Well here goes nothing." He says signaling the sofa across from him for me to sit. I comply and stare intently waiting for as response. "I don't think this is a story for me to tell. I think you should know this from our partner." He says. "Chirs, tell him to come in" He says and Chris walks out and returns seconds later with someone in tow. When I see who it is my breath falters. I have no words, I don't even know what to say or do, how could I have not put two and two together. How could I have been so stupid. He stands there with a smug grin on his face, and it takes everything for me not to get up and smack him.

Before he can even say anything I leave the room. I leave the house and head back to my car. I am too dumbstruck to even comprehend what was going on. "What's wrong?" Austin asks. I ignore him and walk around to the drivers side. "Give me my keys" I demand. "By miss I can drive you" He says. "GIVE ME MY KEYS." I scream. He sighs and hands me my keys. "I get in my car and drive off not even fully shutting my door. I drive on and on with no real destination, not even knowing where I am going. My phone buzzes. I answer without looking at the caller Id. "Get back over here, we need to talk" and with that he hangs up the phone. 

I am pulled over on the side of the road down the block from my house. I don't know if I want to go back or not. I want answers, now more than ever but I am so confused all at the same time. After about five minute I decide to go back to the house.

I call him back "I'm outside." and with that I hang up the phone. After a few minutes they come outside and get into the car. I drive off without one word. I drive and drive with no set destination until one of them says something, I don't know which. "Where are we going?" I ignore him and keep on driving. Finally, about ten minutes of just driving i speak up. "Tell me everything and I don't want a single detail left out." I said. They look at each other and back at me. Russell starts.


Authors note:

I know this chapter is small but that is because the next couple of chapters are going to be extremely long sooo yayyy! I don't know when the next chapter will be out like I said it is a pretty lengthy one, and on top of that I have school and work,  so that is taking up alot of my time. 

ANYWAYYYYYYY I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment. Next chapter wont be so rushed. 


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