The Ungodly Machine (Edited)

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Running back inside the manor in a panic.

"I don't understand what just happened," Oli says.

"I can't believe it," GloZells says.

"Wait a sec, was that the driver?" Lele asked. "Yes, he's just laying on the ground!" Sierra explains. "Literally, right outside," Joey looks out the window.

"Here's the thing, I'm trying to get back to 2016, we've got to find the four artifacts, or we can't go home." Matt explains. "Let's find the four artifacts," I simply say.

"Somebody's gonna die, maybe we could just decide who is gon' die." GloZell says. "No, oh my god!" I yell. "She wants to kill us," Joey says. "People are gonna die anyway, the letter said we have to vote who's gonna do the challenges," Matt says. "What do we know?" GloZell asks.

"Okay, well we know from Shane's pocket that the symbol that was on that square is what's gonna lead us to our next clue." I explain. "So we got to look for more of those symbols throughout the house." Matt says.

When they start saying to split up and look for things, then Sarah comes in with a box and puts it on the table. She opens it and it's a hand with cultist tattoos on it, specifically a pentagram. I actually was interested in the hand, there was no blood so it wasn't that bad. Eva and GloZell make faces of disgust while I get a good look at the tattoos and the base it was on.

The base was maybe 3 inches tall in a square. The severed hand was in a glass container the side facing Sarah had buttons and there were two glass tubes at the front along with a note.

GloZell starts reading it 'Her essence can speak to you through the spirit board.' The mention of a spirit board causes panic. "I don't mess with spirit boards!" Sierra yells.

Eva takes the note and reads the rest. 'Her essence can speak to you through the spirit board in the library. Giving you clues, however, it requires great strength to speak from across the grave and can only occur once an hour.' "So she kinda likes a lifeline," Eva says. "May I make a suggestion?" Arthur asks. "Someone should act as the voice and read the invocation," Arthur suggests.

Justine reads the note from on top of the spirit board. "We call you now to bless our meetings. Heaven promises our spirit to thrive so now for the living let the dead come alive?"

Justine turns to the spirit board "Greetings spirits, speak to us," We look over and watch. There's a long pause before letters on the board start to glow and spell out 'Books'.

'Now we know our task, we start looking around the library for anything but there's nothing that sticks out until Matt goes to a box in a cabinet with a padlock. We continue looking for books with symbols until Andrea then finds a book on the clock.

Oli figures out that there are arrows on the books and there are dials on the box with the hand on top and there are instructions on how to open the box. I sit in front of the base and Oli tells me which directions to put the dials leading to the tubes on the base lighting up.

Suddenly a disembodied voice says, 3, 5, 4, 7. Sierra opens the box and we find chess pieces then Joey sees a note and starts reading it. " '30 men and only two women but they hold the most power. Dress in black and white, they could fight for hours. The ladies need to find a perfect pair, a handsome knight on their right with a flair.'

Justine comes in and says "who knows we hand to play chess," Tim continues the note 'yet one of these ladies is in deep sorrow. Her white-bearded husband will not have his home tomorrow. Because a vicious bishop—'

"Bishop is gonna get the king." Joey butts in

"That's these," "Okay," "So you need to move the Bishop—," Eva starts but gets interrupted by Tim. " 'Took his house a beautiful, medieval castle.' "So would these be considered castles? And then the bishop just goes and takes his spot?" I ask. "Oh, he takes the castle, yeah!" Joey realized.

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