Wicked Hallucinations

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We were all sitting in the dining room except for Joey, he was standing behind us. "And then there were five of us," Joey says. "Guys, the light is coming in. It's almost morning, you know what that means." Lele says. "It means we're all going to die," Eva says. "We need to work fast here and we just need to get this over and done with, Okay?" Oli says. I nod my head still looking at the table. "We need to look at this book and figure out what we need to do." Oli opens the book looking through it. "Who is it?" Joey asks. " 'Vincent Wells is a madman." Oli reads the first sentence and I already don't like this guy. "He sees impossible things, horrifying things. He would stare endlessly at light bulbs. I never knew what he saw, but it seemed like he was trying to burn holes into his eyes." Oli reads "I don't blame him. Seeing terrifying things everywhere you go. I would do it too." I said. "His sanity may be gone, but his heart is good. He hid something in the dining room; I never able to find it." Oli reads. "He sounds like a psycho. We need to find something" Oli says. "Wait, what else did it say? Like, anything?" Joey says. "Oh, what's this?" I say. "What?" Joey says. "Oh, and it has a symbol." Lele points out. There are five numbers and this box. Look, look, there are colors; there's black, gray, green, yellow and purple. I don't know what that means, but-" Joey says. "That's blue," Lele yells we're not sure what to do, but then I realized that he loves lightbulbs, so I'm thinking like, "Okay, I know there's a light bulb hidden somewhere. Maybe that's what we need to find.".

"Guys?" Oli says. "What?" Joey says. "Well, this light bulb isn't on and I swear this was always on." We all come over and Oli starts unscrewing the light bulb. He gets the light bulb and it has the color yellow on it. "Oh yes. Yellow," Oli says. "Okay, So we should find more of those." Lele says. " Oli then says. "Yeah. We need to find more light bulbs. Who's got number 1,". Lele sees one in the corner under the stairs, it's the black with the number five. I then see one in the library; its the purple one with the number 6. "Oh, there's one over here too! Yeah!" Joey shouts. "Oh, well done." Oli says. "It's blue." "One, more, one more, one more," Oli says. And Eva finally finds it. "Black?" Eva says. "Yes, we've got it!" Joey says. "But we already have black," I say. "Wait, but then..." Eva starts. "What number is it?" Oli asks. "I have gray, never mind," Lele says. "It's 1," Joey answers. "So Black is 1," I say. The number is from the lightbulbs open this lock, and we have to put them in order color to be able to unlock it. "Gray is 5-," Joey says. "Blue is 2. Purple is 6. And Yellow is 1," I say. "And then," Joey pulls the lock and it opens. "Oh!" "Yes! Stupid locks, Okay." Joey says. And inside the box is a key. "The second floor," it says in the key. "The second floor, let's go," I say. We go upstairs to try and find Vincent. I have no idea what to expect. I'm kind of thinking, OK, we're about to find, Sam, like an insane asylum crazy person. "Is it unlocked?" Oli asks. "Oh my gosh." Eva says. "No one's in here," Joey says. We then turn the corner and I see a scruffy man locked up in one of these jackets for insane people so they can't hurt anyone. "Oh no, oh no," Joey says. "Alright guys, sorry," Lele says. "Vincent?" I say. "Vincent?" Joey and Oli say. So we walk into the room and we find Vincent, Who is in a straight jacket, finally remembered the name. "I know how to talk... Vincent, Honey? Honey-," Lele reaches out towards him. "No, don't go near him!" Joey says. "I know you've probably been in a straight jacket, but-," Joey says. Vincent then looks over to us. "We're not here to hurt you or put you in an asylum." I say. "We like light bulbs." Eva says. He then starts screaming and then we start screaming and everyone is screaming. "Who are you?" Vincent asks. "How long have you been there?". "We just got here." Joey answers. "Did the doctor send you? Please, I told them everything I know. Every last vision. Please leave me alone." Vincent starts freaking out a little. "No, no we're not here for that. We're not here for that." Lele shouts. "We're good guys. We're here to help you." I say. "Can you help us, though?" Joey says. "Be careful of this house. When I first came here, I thought it was going to be like the home that I never had. I thought u would show the world that what I see is real. I know that now. And this house has become a dark and unfriendly place that has locked me in this straight jacket so I never leave it. Tell them about the keys, Vincent. I know if you give me a moment to talk about the keys then I will!" Vincent seems to be talking to someone in his head. So it's confirmed that he is crazy. "Where are the keys?" Oli asks. "There are three keys that are needed to unlock this jacket, but you're gonna have to dive inside my hallucinations to find them." Vincent explains. So, in order to free Vincent, have to unlock the three locks of his straight jacket and to do that we need to go into his hallucinations. "If you go to the landing, there's an inkblot card." Vincent says. "Okay." I say. "It's gonna show you to my most vivid hallucinations." Vincent says. "You have to go now. Go now. I'm getting a vision and you don't want to be here for much longer. Go, please go!" Vincent yells. We all blot out of there and we start to head back downstairs. "What's the, where?" "What are you talking about? What then, down here? Up there?" "Wait." Lele says. But by the staircase upstairs there's a box. "That's it." Oli says. Inside the box is the inkblots. "What does it say?" I ask. "Its... is it a map?" Oli says. On the backside of the inkblot, a card is a map of where the hallucinations are. So the first one is at the greenhouse. "Let's go," Joey says. "Not outside again!" Oli complains. "I know where it is, I know where it is. Come on, come on," Joey says. "Oh my god!" Oli says still complaining.

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