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We're all sitting in the library with the box in the middle. "Guys, I mean, we've just killed Justine. We buried her alive," Matt recaps. "We buried Justine, but you were acting like you were just so sad and I just don't believe that you were really so sad." GloZell rants. "I didn't buy the act at all Joey." "You didn't buy the act?" Joey says looking confused and hurt. "No not at all you were, Aw, you know, this my friend." GloZell impersonates. "She was my friend," Joey yelled looking shocked that she would ever say something like that. "I don't believe that. I don't believe it at all.". "What is wrong with you?" Joey says. "What is wrong with you?!" GloZell yells. "We can argue about this as much as possible and accuse everyone but—," Oli says trying to get them focused on right now. "No, I'm just accusing him, Joey." GloZell. I have my arms on the table with my head resting on them just watching this unfold. "Why are you accusing me?" Joey asked. "No words from you Joey, I don't want to hear anything from you." "She's being so—," Joey was Then interrupted by GloZell saying gibberish. "Dat dat dat da." "Okay, let's figure out the box," I say trying to stop this nonsense. "My only question what is going on in here?" Matt says picking the box and shaking it. "What if we break the box?" I suggest. "Yeah, Let's break it," Oli grabs the box from Joey and smashes on the table. I was right as usual and there was a piece of paper inside and it said 'Idle'. "Idle?" "Idol? Like a singing competition,"  "Justine is gone." GloZell starts singing. "No, that's I-D-O-L, this I-D-L-E. I explain. "Oh." She realizes. I start looking around and see the clock it's moving and it has four hands. And these a note under it. "Wait does mean something?" Everyone comes over and Sierra reads it. " 'Letter become numbers and numbers become letters." "The time is stopped because it's idle." "Maddie, you are a genius," Matt says. "Wait, there are so many knobs, what are those?" Joey says. "Can you put each hand on a letter," GloZell suggest. "Well let's count it in the alphabet," Matt says. "What's, I am? A b c d e f g h i, it's nine." Matt starts counting on his fingers. "Yeah, and we have four hands," Tim says. "D is four, and then L is twelve, and then E is five. So four and five," Matt says. Then books go flying off the shelves we scream I grab onto the clock stand thing. But behind the books is a keyhole. "Oh, lord I think I peed myself," GloZell said. There's a letter on the ground Joey and Eva pick it up and they say there's a staircase on it. We go outside and look. I go up to the staircase and I see a weird looking bar on the staircase so I push on it and it's the key. Joey opens the door. And it's super weird in there.

It's a secret room with a family of mannequins with food on the table. "Wait, where's Tim and Sierra?" I say. "We have another clue," Matt says. " 'My dear employer, how grateful I am for your generosity in seeking out my work. This place is almost complete and I will be calling it dinner for five. I'm sure with some careful examination you will see how to finalize the details. The need inside me requires that I feed it regularly.' " Oli then says that maybe it's in the pie and he finds a thumb in the cherry pie. We then look to see if he is missing a thumb but we can't find it so we now think it's a toe. We then find it and there is a note and Oli reads it. " 'Calvin showed me the hole in her soul before I pried a lung from her chest.' We go up to the women and see there's a hole in her chest and there's a note. I read it and it says. " 'Mother's should know what's in a child's head. Then he cut one open to show me. I can never look at my children again.' " Oli then says to take for hair off. Then a drawer opens. "Wait, this is open. Was this always open?" Joey says. "No," "look inside," there's a picture. "Oh no, a family maybe?" It's a family of five, a mother, a father, to daughters and a son. There's only four in here where is the second one. Then Tim and Sierra come in with the fifth mannequin. "We found some crazy stuff." Tim says. "Yeah we found some crazy stuff," Oli says. "We've been looking for the girl." I say. "She was tied up in the car outside." "So the note says, 'all my life I wanted to go to a dance. Nothing fancy, I just wanted a boy to ask me. Then Calvin came along. Only it turns out dancing isn't what he had in mind at all.'" "Okay, Calvin is some sort of psychopath who set this whole room up. That's who Calvin is. Okay, so wait, what do we have to do?". We then realized that we need to remake Calvin's vision and have dinner for five. We start to move them in the right position. "She looks like the Grudge or something," Joey says about the girl with her face down on the table. "Do we have the picture correct?" Matt asked. Then a drawer opens up and I take out another clue. "Another clue, guys. 'My employer, I have hidden the artifact given to me as you requested in my new art installation on the second floor. I'm afraid it can only be experienced with two guests selected by a vote. They should be prepared to play. Perverse games.' Eva than the last two words for me. "Every time we vote something bad happens, man," Tim says as we walk out of the secret room back into the library. "I finally got dessert and theirs a toe in it," GloZell comments. "Ladies and gentlemen, we've decided to put it to a vote to see who will go upstairs and play a perverse game. Matt, Tim, and Joey go off into a little group. "Matt has been acting strange," "they're talking crap about us right now," Eva goes down on the floor and starts spying on them. Eva rolls back over. Matt, Tim, and Joey come back over. "Lele. You may go first," Arthur says. Lele goes up and says out loud "Matt,". "Ooh," I say. "That's fine," Matt says. GloZell goes up and then comes back Joey then says. "I hope that you're still not thinking—," Joey says. "It's your house. You have to know what you servants—" "remember what I said?" Joey says. Oli comes back and then I go up and write Joey's name down because he hasn't been in one of the challenges yet and I think he should just get it over with. "Let's just squash this right now, do you all blame me for everything that's going on?" Joey asked. GloZell was the only one that said yes. "It's just you, you're the only one that thinks that I am at fault for all this." "Joey it's your turn," "you better not write my name," "well," Joey answered. "Somebody's working with the evil, I think it's her, I've said it from the start." Matt points at Lele. "You know I can't wait to see you die." Lele says. Arthur pulls out a name and its Joey and Lele. "Joey and Lele, if I can have you both come with me." "Good luck guys," I say. "Who voted for Joey," Oli asked. GloZell then starts cackling. "Oh my god. It was her," Sierra says. "I voted for Joey," "if we wanna get out of her we want to get another artifact, the one person we should sacrifice is Lele." Mart says. "What is it with you and Lele?" I ask. "You just don't like her, I'll be surprised if she doesn't come back. I'll be really shocked." GloZell says. "Or maybe he likes her." Tim says poking him. "Yeah, Stockholm." Matt says. "It's his house. He had to know what's going on. So I picked him. Sorry," GloZell says. "It seems odd. Like, why would you invite a bunch of people over here if you didn't know anything about the house?" Eva questions. "She wouldn't even let me play the game, and guess what? We didn't even get the key, Shane got it." I look over at GloZell and she starts gagging we start spazzing out and I get up and step back a bit. And she starts falling on the floor. "GloZell?! Oh my god," I say. Her wig is now off and she is spazzing out and choking a lot. "She's twerk dying!" Tim shouts. "Are you okay? She's dead," Matt says. "You guys, Glozell's died," Eva says. "It was exactly like what happened with Shane."Oli said. "We got the artifact," Joey said. "Wait, What happened upstairs?" Matt asked. "There were mannequins. We had to do things that I don't—," Joey said. "Yeah, it was perverted, so." Lele finished. Eva says that she put Joey's name in. I didn't want to say that I put in Joey's name because the person that keeps saying that Joey was the killer and that he was the person she voted for. I was scared if I said anything that could offend Joey I would be dead next. Matt then says the Lele is she is evil. Then Lele said that Joey wrote GloZells name down in a death journal and she died, Joey wrote her name. Now I'm very positive that I'm not saying anything. Joey says that we should just bring the artifact on the mantel now. Only one more left. Once Lele puts the artifact on the mantel we hear a growl and I ran behind Oli because he's the strongest looking one there and he's the hunter so. "What was that?" "It sounded like an animal. "The evil of this house knows someone is trying to imprison it. It's unleashed its guardian to make sure that doesn't happen."Arthur explains  "What guardian?" I ask.

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