All Out War

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"His name is Colin Wentworth, he's from New Haven, Connecticut and fought in the Great War. He has the power to leave the house at any time but he refuses to go out without the stash if German gold he recovered during the Blitzkrieg. Colin liked to move the gold daily and one of his hiding spots was in a locked box, he kept the combination hidden in riddles which he wrote down in a notebook." Joey finished reading the book when she said. "Why does everybody in the 1920s love riddles so much." "I hate riddles," Oli complained. "Something to do with the number of letters in the answer." Joey read. "Alright, let's do this," Oli said. We all got up and started looking for this guy's notebook. Oli then runs over a box under a desk. Oli then grabs it and places it in the table behind him and look at the combination; we need three numbers. Now we need to find a book of riddles. We are searching everywhere, We have no idea where this notebook could be. And then finally we realized there is one room we haven't checked. "In the study, I would have a notebook in the study. We find the notebook and now we have to solve all three riddles. " 'It can be dropped from the tallest buildings and survive but drop it from the smallest ship it won't.' " Joey read. "Paper, it has to be," I answer. "Feather," Lele says. "F-E-A-T-H-E-R," Joey spells. "I said paper because-," I was saying. "Okay so let's put feather down." Lele cuts me off. "Chill," Tim says. "Okay so paper, P-A-P-E-R, Okay so five," Joey says. "The second riddle is what is so delicate that even mentioning it break it?" Joey reads. "That's really confusing," Joey says. "Love?" Eva says. "Wait even stop talking," I say. Everyone looks at her. "Silence," I say. "Oohhh," "Yeah, Yeah, good job Maddie," Joey praises. "If you give me food I live if you give me water I die. "Fire," Lele says. There's silence, "Yes, you're right!" Joey says. "Five on top, seven... Oh!" Lele says excitedly. "Amazing," "oh wow, that was good." We open it and there's only one gold bar. Lele and Joey fight for it and, Lele wins. Lele takes out the gold bar and a note. "Dad, I'm sorry I've not visited since returning from the war, I have been trying to help the men, they are struggling with the shock of coming home, I've been so consumed with helping them, I feel like I haven't left the top floor of the estate." Lele reads. "He's never left the top floor of the estate and that is where we need to go. We're going up the staircase and we're thinking, like, Okay, there's some old war vets, What's he going to look like, is he going to be missing an eye. Left of the right. But I'm completely wrong. "Colin," "oh it's going to be scary," We then see a handsome young man holding a pistol gun. "Who the hell are you?" Colin asks. "Stop, our the gun down." Oli says. " where did you get that?" He says pointing to the gold bar. "In the safe," "got it from the safe." "Are you trying to steal my golf?" Colin asks. "No no no no," Oli says. "We're here to help you, bro," Tim says. "Can I see it?" He says. "Side note, why are you so attractive?" Eva says. "Not the time Eva," I say. "Let me just see it," Colin says. "Put the gun down," Oli says. "I'm gonna puts like away," Colin then puts his gun away. "Those muscles," Lele mutters. "Can you help us?" Oli asks. "You want me to help you?" He says. "Yes." I say to him. " if we're going to get out of here, we're going to need some gear, Okay?" "My rucksack." "If you need anything along the way just let me know, Okay," Colin says. " The other thing we Gotta do. I got to get to my two-way radio to my CO," " I wouldn't mind getting stuck 100 years with this guy," Lele comments. "Will you stop," Oli says. "So what?"  We go back downstairs outside with Eva and Lele very close behind it which is making me very uncomfortable and annoyed.

We slowly go outside, and it's now a flipping war zone. "Oh my gosh, what are we about to see," Eva says. "I feel like I'm in Call Of Duty," "are we at war?" Oli says. "There's nothing out here Colin," Joey says but then Colin fires his gun at something. "Woah, Woah, Woah," I say. "What are you shooting at?" Joey yells. "Yo, it is not that serious." Eva says. "Get on the radio, they think I'm a deserter." Colin explains. Eva puts up the phone and says. "Hello, is there anyone there?" She puts the phone up to her ear. We then here a man and he sounds mad. "Where the hell have you been, soldier? We're getting killed out here. Now listen up, there's a small rotunda on the south side of the estate, inside are top-secret documents we need badly." "Secret Documents," Eva says. "However, it's guarded by a vicious sniper with a wicked eye who shoots at anything that moves." "Oh my gosh that's us, we move. The sniper that can kill anything, anything." Eva repeats herself. "If I were in your boots, I would circle around the far said of the estate and frag that dirty Jerry with a grenade through the window." "A grenade through the window?" Eva says. "Yes. grenade, are you deaf?" "Yes, I'm super scared, I'm a Youtuber." Eva yells. "Documents inside should give you the next step. Good luck soldier." "Guys, we can't do this, I upload I sit at my computer..." Eva says. "Yes, you can." Colin says. "I sleep until 2 pm." Eva says. "He said that there was a sniper and we have to go around the estate and throw a grenade." Joey yells over everyone. "Hey! We're moving.".   "Alright, I'm moving in." Colin says. "Okay, let's go." Eva says. "I can't do this, I'll shoot a bow, kill some rabbits," Oli says. "Guys be quiet," I say. "There's a freaking sniper out here," Joey says. "Ostrich were you for me ostrich," Oli says. "I'm not ready for war," Oli says. We then see a guy sneaking through the bushes. "Colin, he's a redcoat, is that a problem?" Tim asks. "Yes, it is a problem." He replies. "Ready?" "Where are we going?" "I don't know, he's following him, I don't know." Eva says. Then there's gun firing I go down on my knees and Tim lays on the ground and everyone else starts screaming and running away. "Who's shooting at us?" "What the hell was that?" "Leave me alone!" "You see him right there?" "No." "The snipers right there in the rotunda." Colin says. "Oh, I see them I see them." "We're going to walk around the other side of the house stay on my tail." We then start going to the rotunda and we have to stay near Colin. We get to where the sniper is. Then Colin tells Eva " you're going to take this grenade. I need you to run a bee line up to the rotunda and I need you to throw it through the window, alright?" "Alright." Eva says. Collin hands Eva the grenade and then pulls the flipping pin. Eva then starts freaking out and runs to the rotunda, throws the grenade into the rotunda and it explodes and kills him. We all go up to the rotunda. Colin has Eva go in and grab the briefcase. We get the briefcase and Joey and Eva read what's on the briefcase. " 'Operation heatwave, burn before reading?' ". "Colin, What should we do?" Oli asks. Call and does it say anything, all he does is pull out a lighter and light his cigarette. "I just risked my life, and he's smoking a cigarette, Okay." Eva says. "Colin, do you know the combination to this?" I ask. "It says burn before reading." "Burn before reading..." "he has a lighter." I say pointing at it. "Wait, Wait, I think I know, give me your lighter," Joey says. "Please thank you," "What are you about to do." Oli asks. "I'm about to burn the briefcase." Joey answers. But it's a metal briefcase how the heck is that going to burn. "I don't think that's right." I say. "Why?" Joey says. "Because I don't think it's right." I say. "You look stupid." Lele says. I'll start talking about does the dead German guy has something does Colin have something. And we're just kind of lost at this point. But then I noticed a black stripe on the side of the briefcase. "Burn the sides, burn the sides." I say. "Burn the sides?" Joey says. " yeah they're black for a reason." Lele says. "Oh there we go, there we go." Tim says. "2, 7, 7, 2, 0, 0," and that's the code. We open this highly secret document and it says— " operation heatwave in the process is experiment 2772 A guy mutation serum which will transform a common soldier into a monstrous killing machine. However, the experiment subject got loose and killed the scientist the operation was never able to recover A doctor's private record which contains valuable information. Your mission is to enter the lab and retrieve the records.".  

"Here's a building," Colin says. "I feel like something is about to go down," Eva says. "That's the lab," Joey says. "We have to get in there," Eva says. "Alright, take this." Colin hands Tim the gun. "You ready, this is the old army key." It's a shovel.... really. "Alright there it is let's go, c'mon," Colin says. "There's no one in here," Oli says. "Wait there are documents over here," Joey says. Joey and Oli go inside the door then are slammed shut in Colin's face and I hear them start screaming. "Damn it!" Colin yells. I then hear roaring and growling. "Go around and look for another way inside. Look around, look around, Okay." Colin says. " keep your eyes peeled," Colin says. We're all going behind a tree I see a zombie sprinting towards us I am not paralyzed with fear. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, shoot him, shoot him, shoot him!" Eva yells at Colin. Con shoots the zombie it goes down but then more and more come. We think there dead... again but then I get back upstart chasing us. The zombie tries to tackle call him but then, calls and pushes him to the ground and starts beating him with the gun. Lele, Eva and I are looking in the window while Tim and Colin lookout for zombies. "What going on in there?" Tim asks. "He has to bludgeon him with the syringe," I answer. Joey and Oli finish the serum Joey injected into his back and the mutant zombie soldier than falls to the ground. We didn't see a box was behind the mutant zombie soldier the entire time with the symbol they've been looking for and we just keep telling them to grab the box get the box. Oli opens the door and they both come running out. "Oh my god," "let's open it," Joey goes down and opens the box. He opens the box and there's dry ice in it. Lele starts gashing at it with a shovel. When she stops she goes to grab what looks like a key but of course, there's also a note. " 'The two best soldiers must be selected by the vote of the group to go inside the east side of the house and battle for glory. Good Luck.' ". "No no guys I don't want to do this anymore," Joey says.

(Time Skip to the voting)

Sorry, Tim but I'm voting you in. We all go back and sit on the couches and Joey speaks up. "I just wanna say, like, I feel like we've gone through so much together and I really like you guys and—," Lele then speaks up and agrees with Joey. "Yeah, all the hate was on Matt so I like you guys," Lele confesses. We all go and vote.

Tim and Eva's names are pulled...

(Time Skip)

Eva comes back puts the gold bar on the table and turns to us. "Guys I can't take any more of this," Eva says. "Look, there are two more owners we need to find," Oli says. "Who's gonna die next?" Eva asks. "We don't know that." "I don't wanna think about it either y' know." "Maybe we're all gonna make it," Joey says. "Exactly," "I doubt it, but okay," Lele says. "We need two more owners. Let's go get them." Oli says. "Let's go," Joey says.

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Hi, everyone, it's the author. Sorry, this chapter took so long to come out. I just don't feel motivated to write. Personally, this episode isn't my favorite so I didn't want to do it but here it is and I hoped you enjoyed it. Bye! 😁

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