Mermaid Tales

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"Do you not see a pattern here? Do you guys after where I'm coming from?" Matt ask. "Okay, but we can't like, just give up, otherwise we're as good as dead." Joey says. "I just don't see the light at the end of the tunnel here." Matt says. "Well, why don't we just try and finding the next owner so we can free it and get on with our lives?" Joey suggests. "Yeah," I agree. "Alright, Alright," Lele says. "What is that?" Joey says. "Oh, a mermaid?" Lele says. "Yeah, Yeah it's a mermaid." I say. " 'Madison developed a taste for men and soon the pool was filled with her victims. The key to her room rests on the first floor and can only be found by breaking open the world.'" Joey reads. "Oh, the world," Tim says and I go up the globe and I push down on it and it comes out the bottom and Joey tries slamming it in the table. "I think we should step on it." Eva says. Oli then puts it on the floor and stomps on it. "Yeah!" Tim yells. "There's nothing in it?" Eva says. "Alright, that's not the world." I say. Tim finds another globe and Joey breaks it. But nothing. Oli looks in the book again and reads the sentence again. " 'The key to the room is on the first floor." "This is the first floor," Eva says. "This is the ground floor," Oli says. "No." Joey says. "We're not in London!" Eva yells. "Stop talking crazy English talk! Poppycock!" Tim yells. We then go into different rooms to find this 'world'. "Oh, there's a world map in the foyer," Matt points out. I then go into a cabinet and find a statue thing of the world. "Guys, guys." Tim says. "That looks dangerous." Eva says. Tim starts messing with it while it's still in my hands. Then the globe falls out. "Oh, my God." Tim says. And on the inside is the key. Tim takes it out. "We found keys," Tim says. We then rush up to the second floor. We try the first door and it opens. We go into this Lele leading us when she jumps back and screams in freight. "Please help me." Someone says. I slowly go up to the shower thing and see a woman with a tail, gills covering her breasts and a slit mouth with blood dripping down it. And she is chained to the shower wall. "The House, the house lies to me. It said I would be free,  but now I am in chains. I hated my husband, it's true." She says. "What happened to you?" I ask. "He was a very, very bad man." She says. "But the worst part is, I've lost my daughter too. The only way I can be with her again is if I find her favorite doll, and then I make things right with those I have killed. You, You, can help me do those things?" She asks. "Yes, yes we can we will get the doll and will be with your daughter again." I say. "Oh, thank you, thank you so much, the diary over there, I wrote the names of the men I murdered. Those names, they need to be measured by the letter in coin. And my husband, my husband kept a stash of Golden coins in the dining room. There must be enough to pay for them. All you need to do is you have to retrieve three bodies of the innocent men that are chained to the bottom of the pool but the pool is guarded by my wicked sisters. Anyone, anyone of you who dares to enter that pool will be torn into shreds." She explains. "But they can be lured away by a very special song." She says. "What do we have to do?" Joey asks. "You have to find it, and after that, you will be shown where to find the doll." She says. "We need to find the song," I say. "Guys, we need to go." Oli says. We then go downstairs into the dining room and start looking for these gold coins. "Look at the chest, and we need three numbers." Oli says. "Three." Tim says. There's a symbol over here. It's a tab card counter." Matt says. "Tab cards." Eva says. "Like a coin counter?" Eva asks. "Wait, there's a clue on the side." I say. " 'The weight of sin will open the door to a song." Eva reads. "69 pounds? 69, 69-" Tim repeats. "Didn't she say that we need to put the weight of the coins...," Eva says. "The weight of the coins." "Yeah, of the sin."Alcohol," Joey suggests. "Yes, alcohol is a sin and-. There's alcohol over there." Matt says. "Do you think you'd weight that?" I say. "Try 620." Joey says. It doesn't work. "Sarah, do you know anything about the weight of sin?" Matt ask. "Sinning of the house?" "Sin at all?" She shakes her head no. "Why don't we put you on?" Joey asks meaning Lele. "Why am I a sin?" Lele asks. "Damn!" Tim says. "Yo, you are deep." Lele says. We eventually give up and ask the spirit board. "Greetings, spirits, speak to us." Joey says. "Okay," "Okay," "Give us- a sign- Where is the weight of sin?" Joey says. "F, L, O, O, R" It spells. "Floor," Lele says. I then go back to searching and Eva and I go to a gate on the floor. I then remove the covers and Eva grabs the box. "Oh, my gosh!" Joey says. "Wow, the floor." Matt says. I open it and there's a little bag with what sounds like coins. "We got the gold." Oli says. "Awesome, let's put it on the scale." Joey says. Eva puts the gold bag on the scale. That number didn't work. "Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait," Oli says. "What did she say?" Oli asks. "She said something else." I then remembered, "Their names need to be measured by the letter in coin" "The letter in coin," I say. "Maybe it has something to do with the three names that she's killed." Joey says. "I'm not going to lie to you guys. I'm a little burnt out after I killed Sierra. So, my brain, my brain isn't, you know." Matt says. Oh. My. God. Matt. Just Ugghhh. "Count the letter in the names try that out," Tim suggests. Oli counts them and gets 43. So we put 43 coins on the scale and get 260, and it worked. "Okay, "Play this record to lure the evil mermaids out of the water, but once they've come to the source of the song, you must find a way to keep them there." Lele says. "Oh no," Joey says.

Once we get to the pool we're all shocked. There are actually mermaids in the pool. "Oh, my, god," I say. Oli then runs inside then comes back with the record player. "Where ever this plays, that's where the mermaids are gonna be attracted to," Oli explains. "But not inside the house. I don't want them in here." Joey says. "Yeah, they're gonna get, like wet all over the carpet. It's a really nice carpet," Tim says. Then we all agree to put the record player in the pool house. We started the song and the mermaids slowly came out of the water losing their tails and getting legs. Once they are inside Joey runs and shuts the door and the mermaids start pounding on the door. We all start running to the pool in a panic. "Uh, we have the three dead bodies in here," Oli says. "Uh, who's, who's, going in?" Oli asks. "Guys, the mermaids are coming, so hurry," I say. "Uh. I'll go in 'cause I'm a good swimmer...," Lele says. "Yeah, Lele, I like that, you get in the pool," Matt says. I can't even look at Matt right now. "You know you wanna see me," Lele says to Matt. Joey and Lele start stripping leaving only there undergarments. "Lele and I are gonna jump in, we're gonna bring the bodies up to you guys. You guys gather then together and start to look in their pockets. The mermaid said there's something in them, okay? They have secrets of their own." Joey explains. Joey and Lele then jump into the pool and get all three of the bodies out. Oli grabs something out of the first guy's pocket. Eva then notices something at the end of the pool. Lele and Joey then dive right back in. They then bring up a treasure chest. We also find a pocket watch and Oli reads it. " 'The moon commands the waters and tells it what direction to flow from new moon to full moon." "The moon works with the Earth to control things, 'cause of the gravitational pull," Matt says. "So we need to twist it until it gets to the full moon maybe?" Joey says. "Does it switch behind?" "Maybe we add up the time it takes to go from the crescent moon to the full moon. And that's," Matt explains. "Which is what?" Tim ask. "Uh, like I said astrophysics is a little complicated probably a little bit over your head," Matt explains. "Something past one? 10 past one?" Joey says. "Is there something we're missing?" Oli says. "Something that has to do with the water," "the water flowing." I then over to the turtles and I see little baby turtles next to it. "Wait to hold on, there's a black circle here," I say. "Yeah, that was never there," Eva says. "There is another moon, another moon there, another moon there, another moon there, and another moon there," Oli repeats. "Oh, yeah, right," Tim says. "We gotta add them up. What kind of moons are they?" Matt asks. "This is the full moon over here," Tim says. "Does it have a number on the turtle or anything?" Matt asks. "This is a full moon too," I say. "Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, there are two little turtles here and there are three little turtles there," Oli says. "Yeah," we then start counting the baby turtles and as we go around we get the number combination. "Yes, we got it!" Joey yells. "I appreciate every single one of you. Listen, I checked out. I killed Sierra, it's over. We're all gonna die." Matt says. "Who says that?" Eva says. "Matt you have no hope left you have pretty much just given up so if you wanna help and find clues and participate you can but if you're going to just say 'oh we're all gonna die so why not just give up and relax and wait for the sun to come up so we can all be stuck in the 1920s'. Well, I have a family that I want to get back too. So you can either just shut up or help!" I snapped. " 'The doll swells inside a wicked little house which waits in the north corner of the third floor. Two guests, selected by vote, must place this tablet on the mantle outside the room and the door will be opened. But, what lies inside will haunt them forever." Joey reads. "Ok, let's someone to potential die that's my favorite part of this," I say clearly being sarcastic. Eva and Lele that there voting for Matt and say raise your hand if your voting for Matt. Everyone raises there hand even me. "Matt, you made it very clear you wanted to die earlier today," I say.

We start voting Matt goes first, I go last. Matt and Tim's names get pulled and they go upstairs having one of them meet there doom.

I hear someone coming down the stairs and it's Tim. Yes! No more Matt. "Timothy!" Lele squeals. "Timothy, tell us everything," Eva says. "We went in there and they poisoned us both, and uh, I got the antidote," Tim explains. "What is this?" Joey says talking about the doll. "And this is the doll that we need for the mermaid lady's little girl," Tim says. "That looks disgusting," Eva comments. "Well, let's go give it to her, guys," Joey says. "Come on, let's go.". We then go upstairs into the mermaid's room. "Okay, we got your doll," Tim says. "You found it." She says. "Am I giving this, Here you go," Tim asks and then hands her the doll. "Yes, please." She then disappears. "I wanted to get her number," Oli says. "Now what?" Tim says. "We freed her," I say. "I guess we just find the next owner," Eva says. "Let's go," Joey says. "So who's the next owner?" Tim says.

2133 Words

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