Did Someone Call For An Exorcist

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We have all four artifacts and we can go home. We've done it no more have to die. Arthur comes up to us with a piece of paper. "What is that?" I ask. "This is the ritual from Shane's jacket." He answered. Now we have to perform a ritual to get rid of the evil so we can leave the house. Eva reads the instructions for the ritual. " 'The ritual symbol must be drawn in ash and sand seven feet on each side from the center point.' Joey, Eva and I are placing down the sand and everyone else is placing the candles. All we have to do is perform the ritual and we can go home. Oli, Timothy, and Eva place the artifacts in the corners and I place the four one in the center. Joey then notices fingerprints and says "Those look like demonic fingerprints," Tim looks at and says "those are mine," I smile at this, that was funny ok. Eva continues the instructions. " 'one must sit in the center triangle and wrap the black cord around the fourth artifact seven times, while another recites the binding and location.'" "Okay, So, who's going in the middle?" Tim asks. "Well you're all in white, are we supposed to sacrifice a virgin?" Tim asked. I just walked away and stood next to make 'Im not dealing with that'. "No no no," Sierra says. "Yeah, Sierra, why don't you help out the group?" Eva said. "You haven't done much honestly too." She poinsettia out. "Yeah, you haven't, you've just kinda been standing there." I say. "Why is everyone ganging up on me?" She said looking at the floor. "I vote Sierra, to go in," Joey comments. "Oh my god, what is going on?" Sierra said looking at Eva. We get into our spots and I'm supposed to recite the ritual. "You all ready?" I ask. "Let's do this," Tim commented. And with that, I begin the ritual. " 'With the thread of the crimes your own design, I bind your evil seven times. I bind from behind, I bind you from before that you'll hurt my people nevermore. I bind from the left, I bind you from the right. I bind you day by day and I bind you by night. I bind you from below, I bind you from above. I bind you with your own evil within so let this magic unfold. Goddess of the darkest night, bind the presence that haunts this home in thy sacred fires of eternity.' I stop I look up to see the artifacts have fallen over. And I don't look like anything has happened. "Did we do it?" Joey asked. We then hear evil laughter and we start freaking out. "What was that?" Oli said. "That's not, we didn't do it. That sounds like the devil," Eva says. "Guys, I don't think it worked." I say. "Did we read the map the right way," Matt asked. "Yes, it's totally fine." Joey answered. "You know how much time has been spent just to find these stupid artifacts?" Matt said. "Guys, maybe it's the wrong ritual," I say. "Okay, What if there's something in here that we're missing," Tim said. I don't think they heard me. "What if there's another clue? What if they just wanna play with us more?" Tim said. "Yeah, Let's look for it." We all get up and start looking around. Again. "Waste of time!" Sierra yells. "I'm so tired." Lele complains. Finally, Joey and Tim find a black box in the fireplace. And guess what, it's the next clue. Eva grabs the key that's inside and Joey starts reading the note. " 'I've cast out demonic spirits and seen the devil himself, but nothing could prepare me for what I found here. This is truly the house that evil built. It haunts me every moment and as the days pass, I see more innocent lives devoured in its terrible mouth. I'm trapped in the back basement?' "What," 'Until I can find release from the evil.' ". There's someone else in the house. "I think we should go to the basement." Joey says. "Well then let's go," Eva and I say in unison. "Let's go to the basement," "what do you think there's gonna be in the basement?" "Death machine we're all gonna die." Eva opens the door on our right and there's a bearded man maybe in his late 40s or early 50s. With a bible in his hands. "Oh my god, what is this?" Then the man yells at us "Don't! Don't get any closer." Joey then points to the circle the priest is standing in. "Hey, that looks like what we tried to do. "What happened?" The priest asked. Matt then answers with "we were trying to bind the evil so that we can get home." "We're you able to accomplish anything?" He asked. "No," "it didn't work," "the devil laughed at us." "The evil in this house gathers its strength from its five former owners and when they are released that's when the demon will be weak enough to banish." He explained. "That's why it didn't work." Joey says. "I am one of the five former owners trapped in this house. But I, I lost my faith. I failed to exorcise a demon out of an innocent girl and because she died. I just need your help. I need my cross so I can restore my faith and be released. I am trapped inside this circle of protection until my faith is restored. For you to retrieve my cross you must perform an exorcism." He explains "No." "Yes! Yes! You must, and for that, you need to gather holy water and a rosary. They're both in separate rooms, hiding on the second floor. This is my bible, take it. You'll need it." Oli grabs the Bible from the priest. "Now that you're on the path to do the exorcism, be aware demons will be haunting you." He explains. We go back to the house very quickly. "That was so fricking weird, I don't like this." Joey says. "I hope a demon doesn't touch me, I'm not trying to get touched," Eva says. We go upstairs. I go with Joey, Oli and Eva to find the rosary. "Wait, What are we looking for?" Joey asks. Eva and I see a wardrobe with demons and an angel saying Revelation and it has a padlock on it with four numbers. "We're gonna need to find out what the code is." I say. "I don't wanna open these closet doors, I think we need to open, Wait what's that?" Joey says very quickly. "Did you guys find something?" Joey walks over to us. It's a piece of paper with a name " 'Raum,' that seems like a demon name," Eva says. "That's the name of the person, Eva and I walk across the room and then these two balls of black mist comes out of nowhere and goes around the room. Eva and I kinda head towards the wardrobe. "Guys, look for Raum in the Bible or something," Joey suggests. "Oh my god, what if it's like a passage?" I say. Joey is looking in the closet, Oli is looking in the Bible and Eva and I are looking by the bed. When Eva sees something we go over to her and she tells that there is another piece of paper that says the name 'Dantalion' I find the name 'Incubus' and Eva finds 'Forneus' Joey finds 'Xaphan' and I find 'Belilal' Oli finds 'Moloch'. "I feel like there's gotta be one for," Eva says. "Wait! Wait!" Oli says. And he starts counting the devils. There are 13 devils. Joey reads the Bible; The Revelation. And we find out the code is 7, 10, 1. And it works. Eva opens the door and there are cool dragons on the inside and a note Eva reads it 'Find the seven blasphemous names scattered throughout the room. Turn the corresponding dial to the first letter of their name in alphabetical order.' I already put them in alphabetical order so Eva starts turning the dial while I say the names. "B, d, f, I, m, r, x". We got the rosary and we get out of there.

Everyone is nowhere they got the holy water and now have to combine it with the rosary beads. Oli then reads the letter. " 'You now have the items needed to perform the exorcism. But only two May journey into the darkness and face the demon. They must be selected by vote. The first name drawn will assume the role of the first exorcist. And the next name was drawn as the second exorcist.' ". "So two are leaving today, basically," Lele says. Matt then says. "I watch a lot of scary movies, I'll do an exorcism." "Well, now we just then the second person and then we can get this over with," I say. "Anyone else," Oli says. No one says anything. "Okay, let's do a vote," Eva says. All the girls go together Oli for some reason stays. "Joey last time, he was chatting to me and he was like, oh we need to vote for this person. And then he and Matt go and vote for me." Oli says. "They're obviously voting for one of us here," Lele says. "You guys know what you wanna do?" Oli asked. We answer yes. "Matt you volunteer yourself," Arthur says. "Uh, I did, but I feel like I wasn't thinking clearly," Matt says trying to back out of it. "You can't do that!" I yelled. "Matt, would you like to volunteer the first name?" Arthur asks. I go up and for Matt because you just volunteer and then back out last minute I mean who does that. Sierra is the first person being chosen, I'm surprised, I was kinda thinking it would be Matt and Matt but ok. The second name is Matt. Hahaha, Matt can't get out of this one. "I would love to know who voted for me," Matt says. "I voted for you," Oli says. "It's time to face the exorcism, please," Arthur says. "Guys this is creepy, why would you put me through this?" Sierra says. Oli then hands Matt the rosary and bible. Tim hands Sierra the holy water and they go into the basement. "I voted for Sierra because she and Matt are the only ones who haven't don't it and they need to start contributing. "I voted for Sierra," Eva says. "Did you?" Tim asks. Eva nods her head. "What?" Joey says.

Time Skip

Finally, they come back but it's only Matt with the cross in his hands, Sierra has now died two. "Oh my god," Eva says. "What?" Joey says. "I killed her?" He says. "You killed her?!" I yell. "It was an accident." He says. "Do you didn't read the whole note?" Joey says. "I didn't read the whole thing because it was on a time constraint, I was trying to go as fast as I could," Matt explains. "Part of me is like, I understand, but the other part of me just makes you look so sketchy right now," Joey says. "I know," "I knew how it was gonna look when I walked up here."

We go back down into the basement to give the priest his cross. "The cross. Thank you, thank you, I'm free." He says. Arthur and the priest look at each other and I'm getting a little weirded out. "I kept the journal with my observations of the other owners. "It will help you find them." We go back upstairs and place the artifacts on the mantel "At least we know what we have to do. Four more owners." Joey says. "Don't even read the book, it doesn't matter. We killed off all of our friends just to get the four artifacts and then we find out we need to do more just so that we can kill even more people to hopefully get out of the house. This is never going to end and we are all going to die." Matt rants.

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