Buried Alive

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We're all in the lounge saying that one is in league with the evil and I don't trust anyone and I'm ready suspicious of Justine after what happened. Joey, I'm also suspicious of but I don't want to say anything because if he is in league with the evil of house, I don't want him to think I'm a target he needs to get rid of. Matt is now blaming Justine which I kinda agree with. This is just going to end us all, blaming each other. "Okay, listen, listen, guys, Eva brought back a note, that was with the artifact. What the heck,". It's a creepy picture of a woman. "Who is that," Joey then says he has a note. " 'The location of the next artifact can only be found by speaking to the woman in the photograph. The inconvenience is she is no longer with the living. To get answers from across the grave, you must perform a seance, but to ensure the circle does not open a doorway to unwanted spirits, there must be acquired a unique part of her beauty, an article of clothing, or her birthstone.' Joey finishes and now we are a little confused, at least I am. Joey then says for Eva to read the back again. 'If you seek the three, you must study the picture, giving it all your attention, but must tear it to pieces right after you proceed. One the objects have been found, return them to the golden dish and the seance ritual will be revealed. I go and grab the gold dish. We look at the picture and I see she's had green emerald earrings, blond hair, and a vibrant scarf. Eva then rips up the picture and I have it memorized. Then a drawer opens up and there are three keys inside. Lele says to split up into three groups. Arthur says to check upstairs so we go upstairs to the rooms. GloZells comments to redecorate, I nod my head agreeing with her.

I go with Lele, GloZell, and Tim. We are looking for earrings. There is jewelry everywhere. GloZell says she found them but Lele says that there longer than that. GloZell starts complaining about how she doesn't want to be here. I'm looking under the dresser when I hear Justine say that they found there's. Lele then says she's found them and we run downstairs to see Justine, Joey, and Oli.

Matt, Eva, and Sierra finally come back and they put the locks of hair in the dish and another drawer opens up. I pull out a burnt looking piece of paper and there's a circle with an upside-down triangle inside up it and measurements and instructions on the sides. Lele then hands Eva a note. 'You are now ready to speak to the dead. You may construct the seance circle, enclosed with white sand. As she's reading the letter we are setting up the seance. The groundskeeper comes in with some sand. 'And each participant sits in front of a candle. One among the group needs to act as the voice of the deceased' Sarah then volunteers herself. 'and sit in the center of the circle.' I sit next to Joey and GloZell. I read the invocation. 'Caroline Eastwick, you who lived yesterday, hear these words, hear our cry. We seek your guidance in recovering an ancient artifact cross now the great divide and show yourself here. I finish and the candles start flickering and everyone starts freaking out. Sarah then looks up. There is a small pause then she speaks. "I am here." We all start freaking a little. We freak out a lot. "My name is Caroline Eastwick. I'm speaking through the mouth of your friend. I have taken against my will and buried in a coffin bound with an iron chain. My life was taken in order to hide the artifact from the living. To retrieve it, you must find my coffin, exhume it from the earth, and release me. You must also find the key to unlock the chain that seals it. The path that leads to the key starts at the... At a fork beneath the weeping tree. Take the low road. I do not know where the coffin has been buried. I remember being carried past the red stone. Near the back, near the back of the house! Hurry, release me from this hell! We are getting up because she started getting really loud and it was freaking me out. "I just want to say I am claustrophobic and taphophobia which means I have a phobia of being buried alive so I don't want to do this anymore!!!" I go to sit down because I'm hyperventilating. Eva goes to calm me down. After a little while I'm calm we go outside.

I go to find the key with Sierra, Matt, Lele, Justine and Sarah, the maid. Matt and Justine are kinda stepping back from the group, and I kinda hear Matt say I think it's Lele, so it instantly clicked in head that there talking about who is working for the spirt. I go up to Lele and tell her and not to say that I told her. She says ok and we continue the search. We reach the end of the path and find... a piano? I go up the piano and all the keys are black except two white ones. Lele presses them and a box comes out but there's nothing inside. I swear I heard a song and Justine say there was one and she pressed the keys but Sierra said no. Justine said, "Listen, listen to this box is playing a song, we need to replicate that." "So we gotta go high to low to high," Matt said. Lele then says she has it and starts playing. I hear something then I look under the piano and the key is on the ground I pick it and we go find the others. We find the group and they're digging up the coffin. "We gotta dig, dig dig deeper," GloZell sang. I help dig the coffin. I'm getting really anxious but I just need to stay calm. I stay deep breaths. "You good?" Matt asks me.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I can tell Matt doesn't believe me but he keeps digging. We pull out the coffin and unwrap the chains. I am not ready to see a decaying body. We open the coffin and it's empty. I let exhale, feeling a little better but where did the body go? "Uhh, a least we don't have to see a dead decaying body," I say. "Yeah," Justine replies. Matt takes the letter that was inside the coffin and reads it. 'I can feel your presence near, my spirit will soon be free. There is only one more task ahead of you. The hiding ritual used to conceal the artifact required an unwilling soul to be buried alive and it was mine. Now another unwilling soul must be buried to reverse the spell. Only then will the artifact rise from its earthen tomb. I know it is a horrible thing to require, but if I had told you in the beginning, you have never have come this far. The group must vote, but only one name will be drawn this time. That person must be taken away against their will and buried alive in this coffin. Please do not falter now.' Matt finishes the letter and I'm trying to stay calm and not have a panic attack because being buried alive is a phobia of mine and if someone chooses me I don't know what I'll do. "All I ask out of this entire thing you can vote for in anything else just not this, please, that's all I ask from you guys, I will not be a nuisance and I will be a concern to any of you but I can't go in that coffin. Please, please I am begging all of you not to vote for me. I have been very helpful, I think, through this entire thing, so please I will never for anything after this, I promise, but please don't vote for me," I beg and look at the ground with my arms crossed. They all look at me with sympathy and we go into separate groups. I'm sorry for Justine but I'm voting for her, at least it's not me. Justine now crying. I'm crying on the inside I can control tears but not my anxiety.

Mini Time Skip

GloZell is first, then Lele, me, Matt, Eva, Tim, Oli, Joey and then finally Justine. Arthur then shakes the hat and pulls out a name. It's Justine. I feel a wave relief wash over me. I can breath normal again and I feel so much better cause I'm going in the coffin. But, Justine, she's running. Joey wasn't happy. The groundskeeper, Lele, and Tim go after her and grab her. They put her in the coffin. Put her in the hole and start burying her I am shoveling dirt in Joey kicks a little bit of dirt in. I'm so happy and relieved.  I feel bad for Justine but hey shouldn't have said that Andrea deserved to die that was her fault. The screams then stop. She's died. We then hear something and it's a box. It's the second artifact we need but there's also a box. We go back inside and we are very quiet. "What are we gonna do now?" Joey asked. Eva holds up the box and says "we're gonna do this,"

1603 Words

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