Her Sister | Kovu x Kiara's Sister!Reader Pt.2

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(Y/N) smiled as she circled around Kovu as he smirked playfully watching her, look him over. "Kovu...you changed so much." She said to him. "Yeah, well...look at you, Princess. You've changed too." He said back. (Y/N) smiled more happy to see him after all this time. "(Y/N)!" Her father's voice called out to her with her sister and mother close behind him as he roared at Kovu. "(Y/N), you're alright." Her mother said nuzzling her.

Kiara came up behind (Y/N) saying. "I'm glad you're safe, sister." She said as both sister's nuzzled. "(Y/N), no more hunts for you not ever." He said. "But...I was doing just fine before the fire came. I mean, that's why I sent Kiara back to Priderock and that's when Kovu-." (Y/N) was cut off by her father saying the young lion's name. "Kovu."

Simba and Kovu roared at each other as Nala looked to her husband. "Simba..." She trailed looking surprised with him. Then Rafiki can out of nowhere saying. "Hey, you! How dare you save one of the king's daughters." Simba looked after at Kovu asked. "You saved her? Why?" He growled the why. "I humbly ask to join your pride?" Kovu asked. "No!" Simba said as Kovu stepped back a little. "You were banished like the outsiders." Simba said.

"I have left the outsiders. I'm a rogue, judge me now for who I am or am I to be blamed for a crime I didn't commit." Kovu said to Simba, only to anger the King even more as (Y/N) watched from the sidelines. "Simba, you owe him (Y/N)'s life." Nala said as Zazu came in agree with the Queen even though he had his own opinion on it. Simba agreed to it but he reserved his judge on Kovu, waiting to see who he really is. Kovu smirked looking over at the Queen, Kiara but most (Y/N). Kovu followed the King path back to Priderock.

Night fell over the Pridelands as the lionesses retired to the den. Kovu decided to follow them but Simba stopped him as he growled at him walking into the cave as Kovu watched him with a somewhat disgusted look on his face. (Y/N) was the last one to make it up Priderock after say 'goodnight' to her sister, saw Kovu slump down by a rock. She walked over to him. "Hey, uh...thanks for saving me back there. I really appreciate, Kovu." She said.

Kovu looked at her. "Sure. But, what kind of hunter are you anyways, Prince-ss. You almost got yourself killed out this." Kovu said. "Excuse me?" (Y/N) asked him, clearly knowing she can take care of herself. "You wouldn't last three days on your own." Kovu said. "Oh, really?" (Y/N) asked smirking slightly as she walked in front of him, flicking her tail in his face as Kovu flinched. "I guess you didn't see me take down an antelope by myself, Mister Full-of-Himself." She said to him.

Kovu looked away from her bashfully, looking embarrassed after (Y/N) told him off. "See you tomorrow. Maybe you can teach this poor princess how to hunt." (Y/N) teased him. "I-I'll be look forward to it." Kovu stuttered a little as (Y/N) left him. "You haven't changed a bit, (Y/N)." Kovu said to himself, smiling slightly.

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