Before The Scar | Pt.3

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*One year later*
Things didn't turn out well for Taka or better know as Scar now. It's been a whole year since he's seen you, y/n. He never really admitted that he missed you. He would normally tell himself that to was your and your family decision to move out of the Pridelands for their own kingdom. But then he'd would think that you ended up with someone else.

There were so many things that Scar never told you. So many things he'd wish he did or said. But, most of all he'd wish you stayed. But, one thing he did change was his envy towards his brother, Mufasa. They were on good terms and he knew you would have agreed to what he wanted. Scar helped Mufasa, which is strange when you think about it.

He never really did change much when you left, he just only had grief over you absence in his life. But, soon he would never feel that again.

"Brother!" Mufasa exclaimed in excitement as he jumped up Priderock to greet his brother. "Yes, Mufasa?" He answered. "She's back." Mufasa stated. Scar looked his brother with a confused look on his face. "What do you mean? Who's back?" He asked his brother.

Mufasa gave Scar a grin. "You shall see." He said. Scar rolled his eyes at him. "Well whoever this is, I'm not going to like them." Scar said. "I doubt that, brother." Mufasa said. "Muffy! Taka!" Scar's eyes widened hearing a familiar voice but it was a lot mature but it still managed to give him butterflies.

Scar looked up seeing you and your beautiful (e/c) eyes that made him speechless. "Y/n! How wonderful it is to see you again." Mufasa said smiling at her. "Yes, it's been ages, Muffy." You said using his childhood nickname. "Taka! How are you? It's been so long." You said to him. "Y-Yes, it has, y/n. It's lovely to see you again after all this time." Scar said.

"Why don't you two go for a walk." Mufasa suggested. "Why don't you come with us?" You asked. "Well as I am the king I have some duty's I have to attend to. We'll catch up soon." Mufasa said. "Okay." You said sadly. "Come on, Taka. Let's catch for lost time." You said heading down into the Pridelands with Scar on your tail.

"So, you changed you name to Scar?" You asked raising an eyebrow. "Yes, but you can call me Taka if you want, I don't mind." Scar said. "Great! I always thought your name suited you. Even though it meant something bad." You said with a grin. "Ah. So, y/n? What have you been doing this past year?" Scar asked. "Well, uh...I'm queen now but mother said I should marry because that what daddy would have wanted." You said.

"Oh. Your father is dead, to my understanding." Scar said. "Yeah, a few months ago. I'm his only heir so of course I take his place. But, now I feel like I'm rushing into this that I know don't have control over." You said. "I see..." Scar trialed. "Hey, Taka?" You asked. "Yes?" He answered.

"Would you rule with me?" You asked. Scar's eyes widened. "Wait, are you asking me to be your king?" He asked. "Yes, of course I am, silly." You chuckled. "But, I'm also asking you to marry me. Because I love you." You said bluntly. Scar laughed, sighing at your bluntness. "Hey, why are you laughing? This serious! Taka!" You whined. "I'm sorry. I love you too, y/n. I always has you know." Scar said.

You nuzzled his cheek. "Good! Because you're stuck with me." You said. "I wouldn't want it any other way." Scar said nuzzling you back. 'I'm getting my chance to be king. It was worth the wait.'

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