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There was sudden banging on the door. Taehyung jumped at the sound and whimpered into his arms. He was currently sitting on the couch with his entire body collapsed into a small bundle. He had a fluffy blanket wrapped around his slender form and thrown over his head. His hyung, Seokjin, had been at work all day while Tae, who'd finally remembered to take his keys with him, left his last class early. Unfortunately, his hyung was working overtime and couldn't leave right away. Taehyung couldn't bother his hyung so he just silently cried in the small living room.

Taehyung regretted hinting Yoongi about anything. He had texted Yoongi because he wanted to get his mind off of the people outside his house. Instead he made Yoongi worry about his sorry ass and declare his own visit to Tae's place. Tae believed himself to be a freak. No one knew about him and his condition besides his hyung. Not even his parents. If Yoongi found out, he was finished. Therefore, Yoongi wasn't supposed to find out. But he still couldn't help but enjoy the thought of Yoongi coming to comfort him.

The banging, now getting louder, terrified Taehyung as he burrowed into his blanket. He looked at his arm that had been bleeding from a deep cut in the middle of class. He cursed at himself for not being careful with the large scissors the teacher had entrusted him with. He began to see the silhouettes clearly from the darkening outside.

Suddenly all noises stopped. He heard mumbling and sounds of aggression outside but was too afraid to check it out. There were lighter taps on the door which gradually became incessant rapping.


Yoongi's soft voice echoed into Tae's ears. He slowly lifted his head up out of the blanket and looked into the darkness with bright eyes.


"Tae! Please tell me you're ok! They're gone! The guys are gone! Please...open the door, will you?"

Taehyung wanted to stay in the sofa, where he knew it was safe. But something was telling him that he had to go check on the boy outside. He crawled out of the warm bundle and gingerly stepped towards the door. He reached his hand out and unlocked the door, carefully reaching for the handle. Before he could turn it, the door busted open with a pink faced Yoongi breathing heavily.

"Do you know how worried I was?!"

Taehyung quickly pulled his black hoodie to cover his head, his naturally long bangs covering his eyes.

"I'm fine. You see me now. Please go."

Please don't go. Stay here with me.

Taehyung's voice was barely a whisper. Yoongi wouldn't have heard him if not for the sudden silence around them.

"What happened? Did the guys out there beat you up? Want me to go knock some sense into them?"



Taehyung lost it.

"No! Stop! Stop sticking up for me! I'm a freak! A lost cause! I shouldn't even be allowed to live, but I keep staying alive! I can't make myself disappear so I just trudge through my daily life! The only thing keeping me alive are Jimin, Jungkook, Jin hyung, my art, and... and you. You know what, you should just go! Leave! Don't keep my hopes up!"

He began to weakly shove Yoongi back into the chilly weather. Yoongi, on the other hand, had a better idea. He grabbed Tae's hands and welcomed himself into the Kim house. Tae stared through his hair with his mouth open in shock.

"Y-You can't do that! Get out! This is breaking and entering! I'll c-call the cops!"

"You're so terrified that someone will find out about whatever's going on, I doubt you will."

Yoongi frowned at the shrinking figure. He took a few steps forward and winced as Tae took a few steps back.

"What happened? What's wrong?"

"I can't tell you."


Taehyung flinched.

"I'm sorry. I just—I want you to trust me! I really do care about you and regardless of who you are I won't stop caring for you."

I want you to know too, but I'm scared.

Yoongi walked closer and put his hands on both sides of Taehyung's shoulders. He led Tae to the couch and grabbed the edge of Tae's hood, pulling it down while gasping at the sight.

Taehyung had two, fluffy, black, ears twitching at every sound that rang through the room. Taehyung kept his eyes down as Yoongi's hands ran through his hair. He subconsciously began purring let out a mewl as Yoongi touched the most sensitive part. His hands whipped his hood back on and he hid his face in shame.


Yoongi chuckled before pulling the younger into his arms and holding him tight. He was lucky to be sitting down otherwise he would've been way too short. Yoongi silently bent down to look at Tae's eyes which were flooded with tears from worry and anxiety.

"You're okay, you're okay," Yoongi whispered into Tae's ears.

Taehyung looked up at the older to which Yoongi gasped in awe. Tae's usual dark eyes were a shimmering golden against the darkening evening. Taehyung, hearing the gasp, mistook it for a sign of disapproval and hid his face again. Yoongi tilted his chin up and smiled at Taehyung before running his hands through his hair and against the feline ears once more.

"I-I can explain..."

"You don't need to. We'll save that for when you're ready."

"Thank you."



SLigHtLy LoNgEr~!!!! And hopefully the next to next chapter the boys can start texting again! Since all of these chapters are prewritten... Oops! What about Namjoon and Hoseok! They haven't been getting screen time now have they...oh well! Just keep them in mind! They'll be important in the future!

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