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"So you ready to explain? I don't want to force you into telling me anything. I just hope you know you can trust me..."

"I'm ready."

Taehyung breathed in quickly before exhaling. He stared at his bare feet that were freezing at this point. He looked at Yoongi's socked feet that clenched and unclenched in anticipation.

"It's nothing too special."

"Let me be the judge of that."

Tae's head jolted upright as he heard Yoongi speak. His eyes watered as he watched the purple haired boy smile kindly at him.

"I'm part cat."

Yoongi nodded.

"But no one else in my family is."

Taehyung could see that Yoongi wasn't about to back down anytime soon. He wanted to know everything about this black cat and he would soon find out.

"I'm a freak and—"

"Stop. No you're not. Stop saying that and just explain what happened."

"Let me start from the top. I was a normal kid, probably like you, except maybe a little happier?" Yoongi lightly punched Tae's side with a chuckle.

"Well, when I was around five or six, I was kidnapped. I was taken away and neither my parents nor Jin hyung found me for a few months—at least that's what they told me. When I finally was released, the kidnappers left me under a bridge half dead and in a terrible state. Throughout the experience I only remember pain, no actual details. Apparently someone found me and I was able to get back home. We thought everything would be fine after that..."

"I'm guessing that when you got cat ears?"

"It's not as simple as that. I'm not just a little clumsy, I'm a danger to myself! So the first time I got hurt, my eyes turned yellow. My parents freaked out. Luckily Jin hyung helped me out and I was ok, but my own parents wouldn't come near me. I put up with the stares for a while, but once it got so bad I was terrified. That's when these popped out," Tae wiggled ears, "Apparently when I get hurt, my eyes turn yellow and when I'm scared my ears pop out. I haven't gone full cat yet and I'm scared to know what might happen when I do..."

"Do you know how to turn back?"

"Well, when I'm not hurt anymore my eyes go back to normal...but these ears are hard to manage. I don't know when they go away so I kinda just burrow at home and stay here."

"Where did you get hurt?" Yoongi asked a little more worried now, "Your eyes are still yellow!"

"Just a cut on my arm. Hopefully it'll heal soon. It just needs to clot, but my body doesn't let any cuts clot quick enough."

"Is that why you didn't make eye contact with me that day?"


"And Jimin and the bunny don't know about this either?"

Taehyung chuckled at Yoongi's nickname for Jungkook, "Yeah. They don't know about this either.

"Well damn. I'm so glad to know something that they don't!"

"Jin hyung knows..."

Yoongi pouted at Taehyung's sudden outburst, "You couldn't just let me fantasize?"

Taehyung blushed with embarrassment, "S-Sorry!"

Yoongi laughed before hugging the younger and wrapping him in the blanket, "Lets keep you warm, shall we."

Taehyung purred in response.

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