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"Are you still afraid?" Yoongi asked quietly.

After the sudden arrival of Tae's hyungs, both Yoongi and Tae were curled up into each other on the couch while Jin was chatting away on his phone in the kitchen.

"A little bit. I just don't know what to expect anymore and it's putting me on edge. I don't want anyone around me to get hurt and I definitely don't want to be kidnapped like last time...that would suck."

"That's an understatement if I've ever heard one," Yoongi chuckled before turning to him seriously, "But if you ever, and I mean ever, feel uneasy or uncomfortable, you tell me and I'll be right over. Don't hesitate ok?"

Taehyung nodded so fast Yoongi thought his head would fall off so he quickly grabbed his head and planted a kiss on top of his head. Tae blushes at the action before hiding his face in the blankets that surrounded them.


"Did your hyung really get a Namjoon's number?" Yoongi asked in shock as he overheard half of the conversation occurring in the other room.

Tae looked over where he saw his hyung peeking out and chuckled quietly, "I guess he did...well that's awkward."

"It really is..." Yoongi grumbled.

"Hey Taehyung!"

"Yes hyung?"

"We're going to Namjoon's the day after tomorrow for lunch ok? He invited us over!"

"He probably invited us himself," Tae told Yoongi before replying, "Can Yoongi come with us?"

Yoongi looked at Tae with shock in his eyes, "Wait a sec—"

"Of course! I asked for him as well!"

Yoongi internally cried at the sudden decision on Jin's part.

"You still love me~" Tae sang.

"No. I do not." Yoongi looked away adamant written all over his face.

"We'll see about that," Tae tackled the shorter male and both plunged into the sofa and ocean of blankets.

"Hold up Joonie, I gotta go. I'll see you later," Jin put the phone down and admired how easily Yoongi fit into their broken family. He was like a puzzle piece that finished the puzzle. The puzzle that Jin had been waiting for the right person to complete.

Meow | Taegi TextingWhere stories live. Discover now