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"Got it. McD it is!" Jimin announced before dragged his grumpy roommate out the door along with a confused younger man.

The three boys soon reached their destination and quickly made their way into the building. Yoongi ordered a large burger for Jimin and a small drink for himself. He asked Namjoon if he wanted anything but the younger quickly declined.

"You sure?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah, I ate before Jimin called me over anyway."

"Yo Jimin! How'd you even get this guy's number?" Yoongi turned to Jimin.

"Easy! I went up to him and asked for his number!"

Yoongi looked at Namjoon who looked away embarrassed. The older chuckled before hearing their order number called. He quickly went to get their burgers (and drink) and turned around to find them a table.

"Hyung! Over here!" Jimin waved.

Yoongi was about to go towards him when he caught a glimpse of a hoodie and a mop of black hair.

"Tae...?" Yoongi questioned quietly.

"Hyuuuuuuung! My food!"

"Our food dipshit," Yoongi countered before making his way to the table. He slammed the tray on the table before quickly adding, "Joon! You can take my food. I need to check something out."

"Hey! Can I take your drink?"

Yoongi ran out of the fast food restaurant before he could answer Jimin. He dashed around the corner with as much energy his supposed athletic self could muster—which wasn't much—and looked around. He found his target little ways away and ran up to the shaking boy.

"Tae? Taehyung! Is that you? What are you doing here?"

"Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung muttered quietly, "You should leave before they come after you too..."

"Who? Who are you talking about?!"

"The guys in the suits! They followed me so I ran in the opposite direction of the apartment. I think I lost them, but they could kill you if they see you're with me!"

"I-I think you're overreacting," Yoongi said slowly.

Just then a gunshot was heard behind them.

"Hey kid. Bring your friend over here and you won't get hurt," a low voice bellowed.

"Like hell..." Yoongi muttered before grabbing Taehyung and running the other way.

They ran for about 15 to 20 minutes hearing gunshots behind them. When Yoongi finally stopped, Taehyung practically barreled forward wheezing.

"I...can't...*wheeze*run any...MORE!"

"Yeah, me too..." Yoongi said quietly.

He spotted a patch of thick bushes and decided to hide there.

"C'mon Tae! And silence your phone."

Taehyung nodded, quickly doing as the older asked. Yoongi did the same, sending a text on what was going on to Namjoon and Jimin. Once he sent the text he heard shoes on the pavement.

"Where are they!"

"The boss isn't gonna be happy when we tell him we lost the hybrid again..."

"We should've killed the other kid when we had the chance!"

"You told me not to!"

"Don't blame me! Whatever. We can't change that they got away...UGH!"

Yoongi and Taehyung flinched before looking at each other in the fear that the men heard them.

"The cat hybrid will soon be able to turn into a complete cat and turn back whenever he wants. If that happens we'll never find him!"

"Couldn't they give us more than a physically description?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, his name?"

"You know they never gave the test subjects names. They were given numbers or referred to by their specific animal."

Yoongi looked at Taehyung whose eyes were void of emotion. He'd become numb after hearing that he'd been a test subject. Fearful as to how farther Tae's mental sanity may drop, Yoongi took the chance. He grabbed a rock and flung it as far away as he could in the opposite direction.

"You hear that!"

"Yeah! C'mon! Let's go!"

As soon as they couldn't hear the dress shoes, Yoongi picked Tae up and slung an arm around his shoulder.

"C'mon. We're getting you home."

Meow | Taegi TextingWhere stories live. Discover now