18 - Think what you want

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They celebrated their first anniversary at the same restaurant they had gone to on their first date

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They celebrated their first anniversary at the same restaurant they had gone to on their first date. One whole year and some things hadn't changed. Her father still hated Tim, Nick still loved her, she still worried about her brother and she still hadn't slept with Tim. He was still patient, but Julie wasn't stupid. It was obvious anytime they were alone together he wanted to. Her body wanted it, too.

The other thing that hadn't changed in her life was her work. Certain engineers continued to hang around her desk every morning and often again before she left for the day. She knew they had a wager on who would get a date with her first. She was sure they weren't really after a date but something else. It was as much her fault at this point, because she could have easily had Tim come to her office to prove he was real. Part of her liked they were making fools of themselves. It was harmless and entertaining.

It surprised Julie one morning when Luke Davis, her new boss, approached. "Stop annoying Julie. She deserves better than you guys."

She smiled at Luke and he silently nodded his head as if accepting her thank you. He was easygoing and liked to joke. Working for him, she didn't mind her job as much. She fetched his coffee and he would ask her about her weekend. Whenever she mentioned her boyfriend, he would tease her.

"Your invisible boyfriend."

Julie tried to convince him by dangling her gold heart Tim had given her for Christmas, but he'd just laugh. It became a game. He didn't believe her anymore than the others, but her reply was always the same. "Think what you want. I know the truth."

She had to stop mentioning these exchanges to Tim, because he was jealous. At first, she thought, it was sweet and teased him, but she quickly learned Tim didn't find it funny.

One morning Julie was sitting at her desk thinking about her brother. He was distancing himself again and it worried her. She needed to talk to Tim about it knowing he would take her to see Kevin, if for no other reason so she would feel better.

"Julie... Julie." Luke stood by her desk.

"Huh? Oh sorry."

"I hope your mind was someplace nice."

"What can I do for you, Mister Davis?"

"Julie, I told you, it's Luke."

"Sorry again."

"Regardless, I need you to take notes for the meeting. Five minutes."

It embarrassed her he caught her lost in thought, but she would make up for it.

After the tedious meeting, she set to work typing up the minutes and other correspondence which had piled up.

The following morning, Luke approached her desk. "There is a huge bid that needs to be completed ASAP. I would like you to work with me. You have good attention to detail. It will mean some extra hours, will that be a problem?" Julie shook her head. She never turned down overtime. "I hope your imaginary boyfriend won't mind."

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