Chapter 16 Last Breath

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A/N I recommend you listen to the song while reading it sets a mood, Enjoy reading and drop a vote!

Y/N's Pov:

After I say goodbye to Will I feel tears in my eyes and I let them roll down my face but my tears sting all of the cuts on my face so I try and stop crying. Once I pull myself together I look around the room to see if there is a way that I can escape. I know why don't I just use my powers to get out of the chair well I can't I am too drained and I can really only use my mind powers right now because those use the least amount of my energy and I need at least one free hand to use my physical powers. And if I set myself on fire it won't burn the metal ties that are holding me down it will just make the metal really hot. 

Soon the Russian general looking guy comes back in the room with the same guard and a bald doctor. Great, it's another bald guy to torture me fun. He has a bag with him and he rolls over a little table and he takes a bunch of tools out of his bag and he lays them down on the table. 

"Im going to ask you again who do you work for"

"Scoops ahoy I would consider myself an intern,"

The guard punches me across the face again and I groan in pain. 

The doctor walks over to me with the needle full of blue liquid

"What is that?" I ask the doctor

"It's something to make you tell the truth," the general says answering for him

"Is it like truth serum that they use in those stupid movies?" I say getting a little excited because I didn't think that existed.

He doesn't answer me and I feel the needle being jabbed into my neck and I wince at the pain. When he removes the needle the guard punches me in the face again for no damn reason but I am too weak to really say anything. They start to laugh and they leave the room. 

About 3o minutes later I start to feel great actually. Whatever drug that doctor put in me did nothing really I feel as light as a cloud honestly. The Russian guys come back in the room and I say "You guys are really stupid this drug makes me feel great,"

They start to laugh at me and I join them. They start to get serious and he gets really close to my face and he says "I am going to ask again how did you find us?"

"It was a complete accident, my friends who work at Scoops Ahoy said their delivery didn't come in so we all went to the loading dock and we went to get our package and then the stupid room turned into an elevator and now we are here in this sticky situation,"

The guard punches me again and I don't feel it as much because these drugs make me feel great. 

"Who do you work for?"

"Scoops Ahoy I'm an intern,"

I get another punch in the face and I am getting tired of constantly getting punched. 

"Can you please stop hitting me I am telling the truth," I mumble out

"Finish her," he says to his guard

I sigh knowing that these will be my last seconds on earth and you know what thanks for the worst life I could ever have. My happy place is with Will and all of my friends watching a movie or just hanging out and of course, I get myself into this shit but I asked for it. I hear a cock of a gun and I lean my head back and I signal Dustin in my last few minutes alive and I say 

'They are finishing me so don't come back for me just go get Hopper so the military can close the gate and they can send these Russians back to Russia as toast and please take care of Will and tell him I love him,'

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