Chapter 12 Suzie Do You Copy?

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Y/N's Pov Time Skip 1 Month:

Me, Will, Max, Lucas, and Mike are all going to the movies to see day of the dead and Mike shows up late because he was too busy sucking El's face. We walk to Scoops Ahoy and we see Robin.

"Hey Robin," I say while waving to her

"Hey, favorite child what's up?"

"Is Steve here?" I ask

"Hey, dingus your children are here!" Robin screams to Steve

"Really again?" He says while opening the window

Mike rings the bell which makes me laugh and Steve lets us into the back.

"If anyone hears about this -"

"We're dead," we say

We walk into the movies and Max and Lucas sit in the row in front of us and Me, Will, and Mike sits behind them. Will passes us all of our snacks and the movie starts. The movie was barely on for 2 minutes and the theater loses power. Everyone starts to boo the theater and I start to laugh. The power comes back on and the movie starts and I look at Will and he has his hand behind his neck and he looks scared.

"Will are you okay?" I ask him

He snaps out of it and he says "Yeah sorry,"

He gives me a kiss on the cheek and the movie continues. 

When the movie is over we walk out of the theaters and Will holds my hand and he whispers in my ear "When we go back to your place we need to talk,"

"Ok," I say while giving his hand a tight squeeze. This talk could be about anything and I am really nervous but hopefully, it isn't bad. Everyone starts to ride their bikes home and I get on the back of Will's bike. 

When we get to my house we go straight to my room and he says "Can we talk?"

"Yeah," I say nervously sitting down on my bed

"When we were in the movies remember how we lost power?"


"Well when the power went back on I got this feeling, It feels like when you drop on a rollercoaster or when you are terrified of something and your body freezes and you get goosebumps. I felt it on my neck and that usually only happened when the mind flayer was activated," 

"The gate is closed though?" I say

"Yeah, your right im just being paranoid," Will says while he sits down next to me

"No your not it's okay Will I get that you are worried but I promise you everything is okay," I say while grabbing his hand and giving it a light kiss.

"Are you excited that Dustin is coming home tomorrow?" Will asks me

"Yeah I am even though it was nice having you sleeping over without having to worry about him breaking down my door," I say while laughing

"I know but you can always sleep at my house without having to worry about that,"

"Your right," I say while pulling him into a kiss.

After snuggling for a while and joking around Will needs to go home because his Mom needs him to clean his room or else he can't go anywhere.

I give him a quick kiss before he leaves and I walk him to the door.

"Bye Will," I say while waving to him

"Bye princess," He says while winking at me

I go in my room and I put on Will's hoodie that he gave me and I fall asleep.

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