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5 Months had past and the two were at work when Mike got a call.
"Michael Wheeler is it? Your Partner, Max Mayfeild just collapsed on the floor, paramedics were called. She is safely in the Drewberry Hospital about 20 minutes out from the workplace. I think it would be best if you go visit her." A metronome voce echoed.
"Thank you." Mike said putting down the phone and running to the door.
He hopped in the car and sped to the hospital.
When he arrived he asked the front desk the room number and sprinted ipstairs.
Once he got to the room he stopped.
He looked at the door and adjusted his shirt collar.
He opened the door quietly and hear a hoarse voice, "Who is it?"
"Bubba its me, M-" Mike stuttered.
He looked at her for a second and rushed over.
She had an IV in her arm and was very pale.
"What happened?" Mike said sitting next to her.
"I don't know, i was about to go file papers for my boss and then I got dizzy and fell." Max said rubbing her forehead.
Mike grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers.
"Im glad your okay now. When was the last time you ate?" Mike asked.
"Sometime Yesterday. I dint have time for Breakfasg or lunch today." Max said blushing a bit.
Max looked normal but her stomach was a bit bigger than usual.
The doctor walked in.
"Ah, yes, nice to meet you Michael, im Doctor Lyine.we need to run a few tests to see what the problem is, but Max seems perfectly fine besides the whole fainting thing." The doctor said.
"Thank you." Mike said shaking his hand before he left to get supplise.
A nurse walked in.
"Max were going to have to get you to stand up and walk into the bathroom. You need to pee in this cup for me okay." The nurse said, babying her.
"Okay, thank you." Max said taking the cup and heading to the bathroom.
"Mike can you-" Max muttered out.
He walked over to the left side of the bed and helped her up.
She walked into the bathroom and Mike sat on the bed waiting for her.
The nurse came back and waited by the door to retrieve the cup.
Max came out about 5 minutes later with the cup and handed it to the nurse.
The nurse popped on a lid and walked out saying, "i'll be back in five minutes with results."
"What kind of results do you think you'll get?" Mike aksed, helping Max into bed.
"They're probroably doing a pregnancy test, i dont know what the result will be." Max said tucking herself in avoiding eye contact.
"Well do you hope it's positive?" Mike asked waiting for a reply.
"Um...-" Max stuttered.
And the nurse barged in.
She held a stick behind her back.
"We did a pregnancy test and it came out.... positive! Congratulations. At this time we can also do an ultrasound. You are three months pregnant!" The Nurse said hiving Max a sweet smile.
Max smiled back and took the test. "Sure, we can do an ultrasound." She said handing back the test.
"Okay ill just have to call a different department and have yoy moved it will take about an hour so sit tight." The nurse said with ta thumbs up.
"Ahhh, Max! Were having a baby!" Mike said gleefully.
"Yay." Max said unexited.
"Why so dull?" Mike asked sitting down.
"I just got my life started here. Im not ready to have a baby yet. I was hoping by 25 not 20. Mike i dont know if I can do this." Max said with tears coming to her eyelids.
"Bubs, i got you. If you dont think you can do it alone. Know you've always got me. We can do this. I know you've got what it takes and im positive you will be the best mother to our baby." Mike said wiping her tears with his fingers.
She grabbed his hands and hugged him.
Doing her best, not to let go.
But when it broke, Max  whipered to him, "thank you, for everything, bubba you are my world."
Mike melted.
A tear dripped from his eye onto the stretcher.
"C'mere stupid." Max said scooting over.
Mike laid next to her and she rested her head on his shoulder.
"I love you." Mike muttered.
"I love you more, Mike."
OKAY, i font know how i feel about this chapter.... do you think its too rushed? Comment please!!!! Thank you for 700 views!!!! I love you guys too much!
School just started and im scared jk my classes are good, and im really exited.
Shoutout goes to sillybeanwoop
For commenting.

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