cucumbers and cacti

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Now its till Marriage.
Then till Death do us part.
AN///Thanks for 1.04k i love you.
And so it continues.
Max and Mike were getting married just before Max's 7 month mark.
In 3 months.
Usually some couples would wait a year or two befor marriage, but Max and Mike, they've been together for 8 years.
Its time to make it OFFICIAL.
Today was November 8th.
Mike had tutoring classes to teach and work to do and Max still had her job.
Since he found out Max was having a baby, Mike has been saving up money.
He wanted the best for their kid, he wanted the world.
Since his Parents neglected him his whole life, he decided it would be best to do the opposite and be involved and always there for it.
So he did just that.
He made sure he had enough money for baby supplies and schooling.
Max on the other hand just lived life normally.
Mike made sure she was comfortable.
"Maxxxxx" he screeched.
"Yes?" She yelled back.
"Do you need anything?" He asked as he grabbed the keys.
"Just buy the whole store." She said tiredly giggling.
Mike smiled and said, "love you, be back in 10."
And as Max heard the door close and the car pull out, she got up and looked at herself in the mirror.
Her stomach was showing and anyone could tell she was pregnant.
She hated it.
'I wish i could just stay skinny but still have the baby.' She mumbled to herself.
She took her gaze from the mirror to her vanity which she walked towards.
She sat and looked at her face stretching skin and trying to smooth out wrinkles that weren't even there.
She frowned at herself and opened a drawer.
Bright colored powders and bottles were everywhere scattered.
So she began to organize.
Not just the bathroom, but every room.
Not noticing when Mike arrived back or when he called her to dinner or even when he dozed off to sleep.
She was completely taken by every little thing in the house, like a wave of OCD just rushed over her and now everything is out of place.
She stayed up for a long time cleaning and organizing.
When Mike woke up for work he noticed her laying on the couch curled up in a ball.
Mike smiled as he looked down at her and grabbed her favorite blanket draping it over her and kissing her forehead as he walked out.
He figured she needed rest and he would just call in to her work saying she was sick.
When Max woke up, around 10 she had a sudden craving for cucumbers.
So she got dressed and walked to the nearest conveinence store.
She bought 4 cucumbers and a baby cacti, to decorate the bathroom of course.
She stopped about halfway to the house and saw a little boy and his mother walking hand in hand.
The boy looked up and the mother and whined, "Momma, uppee." Which made Max smile.
The mom picked her son up and held him to her chest as she contiued walking.
After a while the son rested his head on his mom and fell asleep.
Max swooned.
She now realized it wouldnt be sk bad to have a kid of her own to snuggle and caress.
It may be a struggle, but when your at the bottom, all you can do is go up.
Thanks for 1k i love you guys. Thanks for reading so far. I think im going to do a couple more chapters so stay alert! Shout out of the day goes to fadieisendgame for everything.
I l o v e  y o u  g u y s !

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