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It may be a struggle, but when your at the bottom, all you can do is go up.
Mike came home late from work today and Max was cooking in the kitchen.
"MAxxxx, im here! he yells from the doorway.
"No shit sherlock." she giggled, turning a corner and kissing him softly.
he smiled into the kiss and pulled away.
"Mmm, smells good what'cha cookin'?" he mumbled sniffing the air.
"Linguine, Fetuchine, Chong Chi-Li, Wata-Wewe." she said in an italian accent, walking towards the kitchen.
"So spaghetti?" Mike said following behind.
"what else would it be, Salad?"
Mike laughed back.
He loved seeing Max walk, she is so short compared to him and very clumsy.
Max stopped at the stove and stirred a pot of meat sauce.
trying to balance with one foot behind the other so she could grab ingredients.
Mike swung open the fridge grabbing a bottle of sweet tea out.
"None for me?" Max asked giving Mike puppy dog eyes.
Mike reached down into a cabnet and grabbed a cream soda sliding it to Max.
"How could I forget my favorite?" Mike said walking past her laying a kiss on her forehead.
Max dropped the spoon on the ground and gestured towards Mike.
Mike quickly rushed over and tried to see what the problem was.
Max manageed to get out, "It's, it's coming."
They both got out of the doorway and into the car on the way to the hospital.
Max was sweating and panting the whole drive, which worried mike.
Max waas taken into a room and Mike was held back at the front desk.
when Mike was finished with the front desk man he went upstairs to see Max.
she was laying on the bad holding her stomach.
Mike walked inside and rushed to Max's side.
"Max, are you okay? Its- I am- I was so worried. Whats going on?"
Max aced her fingers through Mikes and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Im okay. I have to get a C-section, the baby is a little acrobat in my opinion." she said sleepily.
Mike rubbed his thumb over her hand,
"I'm glad you're okay, Skates"
Hours went by and the baby was born weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces, a heavy one.
Its a boy.
Mike and Max cuddled and caressed their newborn.
Max wanted to name him Oliver, but Mike wanted it to be his fathers name, Elijah.
Together they chose the name Oliver Elijah Wheeler-Mayfeild.
Max never wanted to give up her last name so they combined.
The baby was blone with blue eyes, it looked nothing like Max or Mike, but it didn't matter.
All that mattered was that Oliver was with them now and they could live as a family.
Until the wedding.
When it official.
Mike will take Max and Max will take Mike.
AN\\\\\\ Sorry school is hectoc. I'll write soon. thanks for 1.2k shoutout goes to starsxsoph thanks for the love

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