till death.

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Mike will take Max and Max will take Mike.
Max paced the bridal room wearing a robe and white vans.
Oliver was in his carrier sleeping with the babysitter next door.
Max was surrounded by her closest freinds, Gingie, Savanah, and Nancy.
They were all prepping her dress and getting things ready for the wedding.
It was only an hour away and max was stressed out of her mind.
Around the 45 minut mark Gingie helped her into her wedding dress.
It was strapless and had layers of grey and white in it.
Mike was in his room already dressed going over his vows.
he mumbled them to himself as his grooms men talked amongst themselves.
Both Max and Mike were more anxious to see each other than anything.
When Mike was fully ready and max was waiting in her room, the  maids left and entered the chapel.
one by one pairs of the bridesmaids and groomsmen walked arm in arm down the isle.
Then Mike with his closest Relative.
Nancy, she linked their arms and they walked down the isle.
when they reached the near front Nancy whispered to Mike, "Im really prod of you mikey." giving him a kiss on the cheeck she walked to the left of the stage.
Mike walked down the middle and stood waitin for Max, hands shaking.
Music came from the pianos and violins, Here comes the bride.
Max came down the isle linked to Mike's dad's arm.
Max's parents didn't bother to show up.
Mike let a tear fall from i\his eye when he saw max.
she was beautiful.
her smile lit up the whole room and when she saw Mike she was dumbfounded.
she looked handsome as ever.
Max let go of Ted and thanked him quietly aproaching Mike.
they connected their hands and smiled at each other.
the music turned mellow and the minister rambled on till he said, "Vows."
Mike steped closer to Max and grabbed a paper from his pocket.
"Maxine, the day I first laid eyes on you I was immediately in love. I know we were distant but i a glad we came closer......(completes vow) .......and I know I am ready to spend the rest of my life with you, for better or for worse. i love you skates, and cant wait to be official."
Max stuttered as she was handed her letter from Savanah.
she read, "Michael, you are my everything. I think if I would've just stopped to think how good of a person you were we would've been closer sooner......(comletes vow).....I will always and till death love you endlessly Bubba."
"I, Mike, take you Max, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."
"I, Max, take you Mike, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."
"you may kiss the bride."
Mike and max kissed and everyone clapped and cheered.
Max blushed and a group of weomen filled the isle.
Max turned around counted t three and handed the flowers to Nancy smiling bright.
Nancy laughed and she said, "i don't even have a boyfreind, how does this work?"
they all luaghed and enjoyed the reat of the evening eating and drinking, dsncing and singing.
Every time Max caught a glipse of Mike when they slowdanced the stare lingered and they held it.
Max laid her head on his shoulder swaying and hugging him softly.
The day ended with max and Mike returning home to Oliverhugging and caressing him.
The family was complete. They were complete.
It was like all that could ever happen would only be better.
all that could and would happen would be out of love, for better or for worse.
I'm tired. i need to actually sleep one day. here's an early chapter. i fealt like writing. lol. adios amigas y amigos. sydd69 for support! ily!

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