Chapter 19

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Back at the hotel they showered and then lay on the bed to watch television.

‘When do you have to go to Ireland to start filming, Jonathon?’

‘We.’ stated Jonathon. ‘You’re coming with me. Aren’t you?’

‘If you want me to?’

‘Of course I want you to. I want you to be with me always. What is it? What’s brought this on?’

‘I ought to go home.’

‘Why?’ he demanded.

‘Oh, Jonathon! I’ve just left the place. There’ll be all sorts of things needing to be sorted out. There’ll be loads of post; bills to pay. People will be wondering what’s happened to me. What if there’s been a burst pipe? Or a burglary? Nobody knows where I am or how to get in touch with me. I ought to put things properly in order if I’m going to be travelling around with you, here, there and everywhere.’

‘Yes.’ Jonathon straightway agreed, to her amazement. ‘That’s just what we need to do. Put things in order. Marry me, Bea.’

‘No, sweetheart. I just need to go home if you can give me a date….. don’t pout, Jonathon. We’ve both of us had so much better a day than either of us could have dreamed of, please don’t sulk and spoil it…..’

‘Spoil it! I just asked you to marry me, woman!’

And I’m very flattered; truly, as I always am, every time you ask me. That’s the most wonderful thing any man has ever said to me, but you know why I can’t. We have the moon, Jonny and you still want the stars as well. Let’s not be greedy, sweetheart.’

‘I want you to be my wife. I want us to be a couple. I want to introduce you as Mrs Ro…..’ she kissed his full, pouting mouth.

‘I already am, my darling. In my heart, where it matters. Please, Jonny, don’t let’s quarrel.’

‘Don’t you want to marry me?’ he asked forlornly.

‘Yes, my darling, of course I do, but I can’t bear what they would do to us. Cradle snatcher is the kindest thing they would call me. They’d crucify us. They’d make what we have ugly and it isn’t ugly, it’s the most beautiful thing in the world. It’s our wonderful secret and that way nothing and no-one can harm us. Please, my darling. Please, Jonny.’

He gazed at her for a long moment, then nodded and returned her kiss.

‘You know I can’t refuse you anything.’ he told her.

His face suddenly lit up as an idea took shape.

‘But would you do something for me?’

‘If I can, sweetheart.’ she said but gave him no promise. ‘What is it, Jonny?’

‘Would you wear my ring?’ he asked. She considered it a moment.

‘Would that make you happy?’ she wanted to know.

‘Yes.’ he assured her.

‘Then yes, sweetheart. I’d be honoured to wear your ring.’ He gave a whoop of delight and crushed her to him.

‘Jonny, I can’t breathe!’ she gasped and he held her away.

‘I’d like to have it specially made. We’ll go to Hatton Garden and you can choose the stones and discuss the design. It’ll take a bit longer….’

‘There’s no rush.’

‘Yes, yes there is. I want you to have it as soon as possible. We could always go out and buy one tomorrow, but I’d really like it to be more special than that - unique and what we both want….’

JONATHON - Book 1 [Watty Awards 2012]Where stories live. Discover now