Prologue II

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"You want me to what?" There were only two thoughts racing through my head right now, 'this is a great opportunity' and 'WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL '.
"Well timing might be rough, but if you were to do it the hours would be whenever you get out of school until 7:00 pm every week day. On the weekends the hours would be from 1:00pm to 5:00 pm." Janson said, pondering the idea.

"Sir, that sounds great. And yeah, those hours sound perfect." I said smiling, until I realized, crap I have pack meets every Wednesday.

"Or it would be, but I have stuff to do every Wednesday after school." I said, sadness plagued my voice. But once again Janson smiled.

"Then don't come in on Wednesday. We really don't need you here everyday, it's just preferred. And also talk to your friend Allison about this too, she also seems to have a brilliant mind. We start tomorrow, I hope the two of you can make it." Janson said, and then he walked off, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Once I got home I decided I should call Allison and talk to her about Janson's proposition.

I picked up the phone and dialed her number, it didn't even ring once until she started yelling at me through speaker. I just winced because I had definitely lost my hearing but I just started talking. I answered all of her questions about my mental health, and tried my hardest to not get fed up at all of the questions. But then we finally got onto the topic of the job offer.

"Allison, I think I'm going to accept it. I mean, when I graduate, this could give me a really good chance at getting into whatever dream school I have."

"But Stiles, do you really think it's a good idea? I mean based on what we've dealt with in the last year, I don't exactly trust easily." Allison said.

"Allison, these people gave us a chance to make a difference. But us humans have to stick together, so will you join me?" I asked, hoping that she would come to her senses and join me.

"Yes. Yes I'll join you Stiles. So what time do we start?" She asked.

"After school tomorrow, and don't be late." I said, smiling. It's good to know I won't be alone.

After school got out the next day me and Allison ran, more like sprinted, to my Jeep. I jammed my key into the ignition and we were off. Scott had tried to question us and Lydia kept asking me throughout the day why I was so giddy. But I wouldn't tell her, I would just smile and laugh. But anyway, there me and Allison where, in my car chatting away. It was a good day today, and I couldn't wait to get to WICKED. And then we pulled up at the facility, and then I realized how anxious I really was. But when we were met inside by Ava Paige and Janson, all my worries washed away. They led us around the facility, also did you know that WICKED keeps live subjects? Because I do and before you say anything, they're there voluntarily. "Our subjects are well-feed and are given the freedom to talk to family and walk around the facility" Ava said as we walked by a door that said, 'BIOHAZARD DO NOT ENTER'. And that was quite unsettling.

"Mrs.Paige, what exactly would you want me and Stiles to help with?" Allison asked.

"Please, it's just Ava. But to answer your question no, nothing yet. First things first, I want you two to take some lessons taught by some of our employees. It's just part of training." Ava said.

"Oh, okay." Allison said, a little disappointed.

"Don't worry Allison, we'll be sure to make it interesting." Ava said, obviously noticing Allison's disappointment. But as we walked passed I could see posters, they all had one saying, 'Wicked is Good'. Which is weird, considering the fact that that the words 'wicked' and 'good' are used in the same sentence. And the only time that wouldn't be unsettling would be in Boston, and guess what? They were on the other side of the country. So I opted for asking Ava, because if it was a secret it wouldn't be posted around the building.

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