Well Damn

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The whole group looked at Thomas at his sudden outburst.

"Tom, are you sure?" Minho asked sheepishly.

"Of course I fucking am Minho! Do you know what he's done! I fucking hope you do because he's done it to you too!" Thomas yelled.

"He broke all of us! Made us forget our lives! So yeah, I would find satisfaction in placing a bullet in his head." Thomas growled.

Scott had seen many chances in his friend, but none stood out as much as this. Scott thought back to when Stiles would think of ways to stop death.

But then he also thought back to when he would yell at Scott for not killing whoever they were dealing with at the moment. Maybe things hadn't changed as much as he thought.

"Let's get going, we don't have all week." Thomas said.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Gally questioned.

"Yeah, Thomas... we don't exactly have any leads." Brenda said.

"Well we do know that Frypan was taken quite close to us. And I don't know if you remember this Brenda, but our time Underground? There were quite a few secret exits and entrances in that place." Thomas said.

"Tom, you really think Rat Man would go there? Isn't that like, below him or some shit?" Brenda spat.

"I mean, isn't he a Crank now? He would blend in pretty well." Minho stated.

Scott, in complete confusion, stated quiet as the groups talked.

"Then it's settled, we're going Underground." Thomas said.

And then, the group started walking. Presumably to their impending doom. Scott, still confused as fuck, Minho, secretly scared, Gally, angry about loosing his friend and Brenda, somehow nostalgic at the old memories.

And lastly Thomas, who was scared, not for himself, but for the people he would loose if he didn't win.


A/N: Well, fuck that depressing shite. HAPPY NEW YEAR LADS! Sorry about the break, I'm trying to stick to a schedule for this new year. Until next time, stay lovely! ❤️

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