An Old Friend

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"What're you gonna do to me! I'm not telling you shit!" Frypan spat.

He was currently tied up in what seemed to be a metal chair.

"Well, well, well Siggy. You've got some spunk now don't you? Well don't worry, I'll be having my way soon." The voice said ominously.

"Who the shuck do you think you are?!" Fry growled.

"C'mon now Siggy, has it really been that long?" The voice spoke.

Soon enough a figure emerged out of the shadows. The deformed, mangled form of Rat Man stood over a shocked Frypan.

"I thought you died!" Frypan stuttered out.

"Oh my dear lad," RatMan snarled, "I thought I did too. But just when I thought the madness was taking over, I saw you. And what appeared to be Thomas. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but that was Thomas, correct?" RatMan asked.

Frypan shuddered in his spot. Persistent on not outing his friends plans.

Frypan spat on RatMan's face, "I'm not telling you shit."

RatMan backed away from Fry, a sickening smirk on his face.

"Well then, if that's how you feel. I guess we'll have to resort to... more permanent ways of persuasion." He said, gesturing to the assortment of knives on the table.

"Hope you've had your tetanus shot." RatMan smiled, before getting to 'work'.


Newt looked around himself. The figures of his sleeping friends scattered around the room. He sighed, unable to sleep.

They were currently all put into an overcrowded cell. In a way it reminded him of The Glade, crowded and depressing.

"God Tommy, please get here soon. I don't know how much longer I-we can last..." Newt whispered to himself. Tears rolling down his cheeks.

He was never one to cry. Hell, he hadn't for a long time. But Newt didn't know what to do anymore. The moral was getting lower everyday, and Newt didn't know how much longer he could assure them of being set free.

It broke his heart to see everyone from The Glade. Chuck especially. The thought that the boy was kept here all this time. Alone all this time. Newt almost didn't recognize him, he had grown so much over the years. It made Newt feel happy and depressed all at the same time.

He hadn't seen a lot of these people for a long time. And it surprised him even more to see Teresa...


"Teresa? What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Newt asked.

"Newt! How the shuck are you alive?" Teresa almost screeched.

"I-I honestly don't know. Why the hell aren't you with Tommy?!" Newt (yelled) questioned.

"Oh god Tom..." Teresa trailed off.

Immediately Newt went into full-panic mode.

"What happened to Tommy?" He said.

"He looked so broken, oh god so, so broken. Like all the light in his eyes had vanished. He lost his spark Newt, he lost it when he lost you." Teresa said, looking up at Newt. Tears staining her perfect skin.

(End of Flashback)

That scared Newt. Thomas had always been the light of the group, the leader that gave everyone hope. And to hear that he had lost his way terrified Newt. He just prayed that he would get here in time...


A/N: Hello again! I finally updated YEET! Also sorry if this chapter made absolutely zero sense. If you need some sort of confirmation on what happened feel free to comment of DM me! Until next time, stay lovely! ❤️

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