All Is (Kind Of) Forgiven

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"I'm not letting her die alone, not again." Thomas said. He reached into the depths of his mind, concentrating on Teresa. "Teresa, please, can you hear me? It's Thomas, god please tell me that you're okay." Thomas pleaded. He didn't love her anymore, not like he used to. But he would still give his life for her in a heartbeat. So when she replied, he fell to his knees, sobbing. "T-Tom? Is that really you? Oh-oh god, thank god. I thought you had forgotten me, us. Thomas, you have to listen, they're all here. Everyone, Chuck, Newt, Alby, Winston everyone." Thomas gasped, none of them were dead. How had he forgotten that? WICKED was a laboratory not death row.

"Don't worry, we're coming for you guys. Do you know where you are?" He asked.

"In the Scorch, but Thomas you need to be careful, WICKED is back. They're rebuilding Denver, I don't know who's running it, but please, hurry." Teresa said, concern evident in her voice.

"We will, don't worry Tess, I'm not leaving you again."

And with that Thomas stood, looking around at the room. He could see everyone's emotions on their faces. "She's alive, they all are. The deaths never happened. They-they told us that when we started, I don't know how I forgot." He said.

"Stiles, what the hell is going on?" Lydia almost yelled. Stiles, well Thomas, sighed. "When I went missing, as you know I was sent to Mexico, but that wasn't the whole truth. I was put into a controlled area, we called it The Glade. There we were forced to run in a maze, like lab rats. As you know both me and Allison went missing, that's because we started working for WICKED. We know her as Teresa, I have a link with her, a telepathic one. When we escaped the maze, we were thrown into another variable. The Scorch. A desolate wasteland with flesh eating zombies. We call 'em Cranks. In The Scorch we lost a lot of people, but we also found new ones." Thomas said. He nodded his head at Minho for him to continue.

The asian sighed, but continued anyway. "Once we found our way out of The Scorch we made our way to The Last City. Also known as Denver. WICKED's base of operations was there. It was our mission to take them down, once and for all. In the end we successfully blew their base up, but we lost two people that day. Or at least we thought we did." Minho finished. By the time Minho was done Scott, John and Lydia were crying.

"So you're telling me that when my son went missing for four years he was off fighting zombies, fighting for his life. And yet- he didn't think of telling anyone?" John asked, giving Thomas an almost betrayed look. Thomas just hung his head in shame, "Look, I know that I should've told you, all of you," He said gesturing to the pack, "But I just couldn't. I didn't want you to see me as a murderer, as a- a failure. Because that's what I am, while the Gladers and Scorchers may not have died some people really did. We shot people in the hearts, blew them up even. I'm not the same kid you knew six years ago, but I didn't want to break the illusion." Thomas finished, by the time he was done tears were flowing down his face. "It wasn't your fault hermano, all of us did stuff we regret. We did what we did to survive, nothing more." Jorge said. Unlike the rest of Thomas' fellow Gladers Jorge stuck by his side. Thomas could remember how he yelled at Brenda after she said some very choice words to Thomas.

"We didn't mean it you know." Minho said, looking at Thomas. "I don't know why I said those things, I wish I could blame WICKED but I can't. I was upset, and I didn't know how to cope. I hope you forgive me, with time of course." The asian smiled gingerly. Thomas could feel his heart swell. He could never be truly mad at Minho, not when the shank had saved his life more times than he could count. "Minho, Gally, Brenda, Aris, Fry, I could never hate you, we've been through too much for that. I forgive you, but it's going to take me time. I apologize too, A) for holding you two at knife point,"Thomas said, looking at Gally and Minho, " And B) for leaving without notice." Thomas said sheepishly, sure the Gladers had been asshats, but they were some of his best mates.

Scott looked at Thomas, "If they hadn't been so... Jackson  would you have stayed?" The crooked-jawed  boy asked, his watery eyes meeting Thomas'. And that made Thomas think for a minute, would he have? Hell no, he was planning on seeing his dad if didn't die in Denver, so he gave them his most honest answer.

"Hell no slintheads."

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