Cons Of Being Possessed

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"Alright everyone. Last call for blackouts, you won't be judged I promise, but there's no backing out of you get in these cars." Thomas called out. Noticing nobody moving Thomas gave a quick nod and started to separate people in to cars. It's went like this....

-Riding with Jorge: Brenda, Lydia, Malia, Peter and Liam

-Riding with Gally: Minho, Thomas, Derek, Frypan and Scott

"You know Thomas, this isn't going to end well." A voice said in the back of Thomas' head. He knew what, more like who, it was immediately. Void.

Having been in this scenario before, Thomas muttered a quick 'shut up' under his breath and continued looking out the window.

"C'mon Thomas, you know words can't hurt me. Apparently a lot of things can't. And you're going to need me, you know ok will." Void said snarkily.

Thomas rolled his eyes inwardly (Quick A/N, Void's telepathic messages to Thomas are underlined and bonded and Thomas' thoughts to Void are just underlined.)

"Void, if I didn't need you before I certainly don't need you now. Hell, we have more people than we did in the beginning and most of us survived." Thomas said to Void. He could practically feel Void's annoyance.

"Thomas your are going to listen to me or I am going to make you," Void said darkly, is in a time Thomas hadn't heard since the first possession, "You know that together we are strong, together we're more than human. And right now, we're going against not only Cranks, but WCKD too. You. Need. Me." Void spat out.

Thomas was scared. He hadn't Head Void like this since the beginning. Thomas was contemplating whether or not Void was still strong enough to forcibly take over. And Thomas didn't want to find out.

"Fine, you get to be Player Two. But I'm still the boss, if you even THINK about stepping out of line I'll make sure you're fed to the Cranks". Thomas snapped. The feeling of Void's dark happiness making Thomas' skin crawl.

And within seconds Thomas could feel him. The way the feeling of thick, black evil crawled through his veins. Seeping into his heart. Thomas closed his eyes and waited till the pain was over.

Knowing there were two werewolves in the car who could smell his pain didn't make it any better. Thomas could feel their gazes piercing his body.

Thomas opened his eyes quickly, feeling them change colour slightly until subsiding back into their usual whisky colour.

"Stiles, are you good?" Scott asked, casting a worried glance at his friend. Thomas just out on a crooked smile and nodded his head.

"Yeah I think I just slept wrong..." He muttered. Derek shot him another glance before looking away.

Even though they already knew about Void, that doesn't mean they were okay with it. Hell, if Scott knew him and Void were working together he would probably rip his head off. So Thomas kept it quiet.

Closing his eyes and resting his head back in the seat Thomas dozed off into an uneasy sleep. One plagued by the screams of his thought-to-be-dead friends. The screams they'd inevitably let out if they didn't get there soon.


A/N: It's a little rushed I know but I'm just so excited to be writing this fic again. I know it probably sounds different from the earlier chapters and I apologize for that, but in the recent weeks and months my writing style has changed slightly. But thank you to those sticking with me! Stay lovely. ❤️

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