Who's With Me?

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Scott laughed, making Thomas chuckle. "C'mon Scotty you've gotta have a little more faith in me. I wouldn't leave you guys, not by choice anyway. Which brings me to my next question..." Thomas trailed off.

"And what's that?" Lydia asked. Thomas rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "Well I need to go back to Mexico. It could be dangerous, well, it is going to be dangerous. Deadly even. I know I'm asking a lot, but I'm going to need more back up than these slinthead." Thomas said, gesturing to The Gladers.

"Stiles, I'm going no matter what. I'm your brother, we're in this together, alright?" Scott said. Thomas nodded, then turned to look at the pack.

"I'll go." Malia said.
"Of course I'm going Stiles." Lydia said.
"I'm going." Issac and Chris responded.
"I'm going, just so you don't get yourself killed." Derek joked. Thomas laughed. He looked at Peter, the creeper wolf still stood in the corner. "Are you going to come Peter?" He asked. And yes he did want the man there, no matter how much he denied it.

Peter sighed, "I don't have much of a choice do I?" He asked. Derek grabbed his uncle by the shoulders and muttered something along the lines of, "of course you don't." Peter grunted, "Fine. I'll go. But only because I don't want my dear nephew to get his head bit off."

"I want to go." John said. Thomas immediately shook his head. "Dad no. I will not lose you. This is far to dangerous for you. I don't want you getting hurt. I don't want to lose my family again." Thomas said, on the verge of tears.

John, seeing his sons stress, agreed. "Fine, I'll stay here. Seeing as I am the sheriff. But I hope you know that if you don't come home then I'll bring you back and kill you myself." Thomas chuckled, "Sure thing daddio."

Thomas looked at everyone. This wasn't going to be easy. Sure, they had the pack now, but it was only a quarter of everyone. Thomas knew that that was going to happen, not everyone is as willing risk their lives as Lydia and Scott are.

"We need to get moving. Sleep tonight, and wake up early. Pack only what you deem necessary and keep in mind that we are going into a wasteland. Bring weapons if you have them and borrow them if you don't. I'm sure Chris can supply you." Thomas said looking at everyone. And with that every dispersed, obviously hearing the serious tone in Thomas' voice. Everyone left except for Minho, and his dad of course.

"Thomas, I just," The boy sighed, looking back at Thomas with shame in his eyes, "I can't apologize enough. What I did, what we all did was klunk. We were total slintheads to you and it wasn't fair of us to get mad at you for leaving. I, I want to fix this. So, if you'll let me, do you wanna be... friends again?" He asked, hopefulness in his voice.

There was a part of Thomas that wanted to say no, only to make him feel bad. "C'mon Thomas, you know he's only doing it because he needs you." Nogitsune said. Thomas rolled his eyes internally. "Of course Min. I don't hate you, we've already said this to each other but we're in this together. You've always been there for me."

"BUT I WASN'T!" Minho shouted. "I wasn't there. I abandoned you in your time of need. When the people you loved died. I was a selfish bastard and I didn't even think twice about how you felt. I'm such a jerk and I ju..." Minho was cut off by Thomas.

"Min, stop. We all make mistakes, hell I made the maze. I'm the reason that people got hurt. You're not the only one who has made mistakes in these last years, so don't worry. I've already forgiven you, I don't know about my friends though. They don't trust easily, they're almost as paranoid as us. Almost being the key word." Thomas said, chuckling at the end. Minho smiled at his friend's jokes. The Asian boy stuck his hand out, "Friends?" Thomas didn't end up taking his hand. Instead he pulled Minho into a hug muttering 'friends' into his shoulder.

So I'm not dead! Sorry it's been a hot minute but life's been pretty hectic this last month or so. Once again, I do apologize. And I know that this chapter is shorter than usual but I just wanted to get this out to you guys as quick as possible. For those of you wondering I did change Noah's name to John for this. Don't ask me why, because I don't really have a reason other than being used to reading it like that on AO3. So anywhosies the next chapter should be out in about a week. Stay lovely!

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