Daniel Seavey

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Daniel's pov
I've been here for about 10 minutes and I already hate it. The nurses dont even let me have privacy. They keep coming in and out of my room and its driving me crazy! Just leave me alone for at least 5 minutes! Ugh, I hate it so much. I miss my family. I miss my home. I miss everything back home. Even school, which is weird for me to say. I never got bullied and I had friends, I just didn't like it. Anyway, I still gave one good thing with me. My guitar. My guitar is my life. I can play so many more instruments but, I took my guitar because, it's my favourite. Not sure why, it just is. Oh well. Hopefully, theres a cure for Chronic Bronchitis. I pray everyday for a cure but, nothing ever gets better. It seems like it just gets worse. I grab my guitar and start to play 'Falling like the stars' by James Arthur. "We're falling like the stars, falling in love." I sang to myself. Oh yeah, I also love to sing. I used to dream of being a singer but, I guess I cant do that. My dreams got crushed and soon, my life will too.

Geez, I'm soooo dark. Right, I need to calm it down a bit lol. Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

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