Jack what?!

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Grab the tissues!

Zach's pov
Jack is getting worse and worse. He's trying so hard to stay with us but, he doesn't have long left. He's no longer allowed to leave his ward so, we all hang out in his ward together. Then, the worst thing happened. I walk into his ward to see him asleep. I roll my eyes playfully, knowing how much he loves to sleep. I go over to his bed and shake him gently. "Come on, Jack." I say still shaking him gently. I start to get worried. "Jack, wake up." I say shaking him a bit harder. "Jack!" I yell terrified. I try to find his pulse but, I can't find it! I try to find his hart beat. No, this can't be happening! I can't hear his heart beat. I fall to my knees and sob my heart out. "Whoa, what's going on?" Asks a voice. I dont answer, I just keep crying and sobbing my heart out. "Zach, tell me what happened." The voice says gently. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look to see who it is and it's Corbyn. "J-Ja-ck d-d-died." I say through my cries and sobs. "What?!" He asks shocked. I carry on crying and sobbing. "I-I-I w-w-want-" I start but choke on my own sob. "Shhhhh, calm down. Look at me, copy my breathing. Look, in and out." Corbyn says gently. I try my best to copy his breathing but, it's really hard. I keep choking on my own sobs. Soon, I was actually choking. This happens because of Parkinsons disease. "Shoot." Corbyn says worriedly. He started to pat my back, trying to help me. "Come on, Zach. Breathe, it's all ok." He says gently. About 30 seconds later, I stop choking and I'm exhausted. I've got tear stained cheeks, red puffy eyes and bags under my eyes. "Ok, you go and rest and I'll get a nurse for Jack." Corbyn tells me and I nod, walking back to my ward.

I'm crying. Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

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