Arguing and... death?!

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Double update!

Jonah's pov
The disease is finally killing me. I'm currently on life support now. The nurses and doctors are trying to save me but, it's not gonna work. All you can hear is my slow heartbeat. If the disease is killing ne, can it at least hurry up? I ain't got all day. Well, I kinda do but that's not the point! I sigh thinking about what heavens like. I'll be an angel soon. I'll see my Grandma. She died of Cancer 2 years ago. I'll finally see her again! I'll see my pet dog who died 4 years ago. Then, Zach walks into my ward, knocking me out of my thoughts. "Hey, Jonah." Zach says sadly. "Hey, Zach. Are you ok?" I ask worriedly. "Well, I just want to let you know that I'll miss you a lot." He tells me. Awww, poor Zach. He's too young to be going through so many deaths and diseases. We all are. "Awww, Zach, don't think that way." I tell him. A single tear falls from his eye. "It's just that I've lost Jack and now you." He says sadly. "Hey, theres a 50% chance of me surviving." I tell him. He nods sniffling. Suddenly my heart monitor started going slower and I felt really weak. "Guys!" Zach calls. Daniel and Corbyn come running in. "What?" Daniel asks worriedly. "Jonah's dying." He replies. "Does it look like I care?" Daniel asks rudely. "I know theres still love for Jonah in you heart, Daniel. You just need to find it and then show it." Zach says crossing his arms. "No, there's no love for that d**k head!" Daniel yells angrily.

Zach's pov
"Ugh, stop yelling." Corbyn tells us sternly. "Shut it, Corbyn!" Daniel yells still angrily. "Don't be so rude!" I yell also angrily. "Your one to talk!" Daniel yells angrily. "Why you-" I start but, he then shoves me against the wall. I start to cough and then, I realise that I was choking. I hear Jonah and Corbyn gasp. Corbyn gets on the floor next to me. He starts to say soothing words and rubbing and patting my back. Eventually, I stop choking and Corbyn helps me up. "B***h." I mutter under my breath. "I heard that." Daniel says rolling his eyes. I sigh angrily and cross my arms. "Guys... are you... done arg...arguing?" Jonah asks weakly. I look over at him and nod. I walk over to his bed and sigh sadly. "I'll miss you." I say to him. "Dude, I... might... survive." He says weakly. He coughs and sighs sadly. We stayed in there for about 10 more minutes until, there was a long beep. That broke my heart. I fell to the floor crying, Corbyn doing the same. We hugged each crying. "Oh, grow up." Daniel says storming out.

I killed one now another. Not sure shy I said that lol. Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

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