Wait, what?!

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3rd person's pov
In loving memory of Corbyn Matthew Besson. A positive 17 year old boy. Suffered from a life threating disease called Lower Respiratory Infection. Up with the angles and safe in their arms. We miss you more everyday, baby. Love Mummy and Daddy.

That's what Corbyn's gravestone read. His parents were devastated and his four best friends were completely broken. Especially Daniel. Corbyn used to help Daniel through hard times. Daniel would cry himself to sleep every night. It's been four days since his death and Daniel still cries all day and night. Jonah was really upset to see Daniel completely broken. It's like he wasn't fixable anymore.

Daniel's pov
I shot up sweating. Wait, what?! It was all a dream. That was the worst dream ever. "Corbyn." I say as I jump out of bed. I check the time on my phone. 6.30am, I need to check on him. I'm really worried. I go into his ward and see him fast asleep. At least, I hope he's asleep temporarily. Ok, I need to calm down. I take a deep breath and I head back to my room. It's ok, everyone in this section gets woken up at 7.30am. I have one hour. Besides, I'm sure he's fine. He was fine last night, we were texting in bed. Yes, our wards are next door but, we were meant to be asleep. An hour later the nurse comes into our section. "Time to wake up!" She yells cheerily. I hop out of bed get dressed and run into Corbyn's ward. "Corbyn?"  I ask worriedly. I enter his ward to see him still asleep. "Corbs, wake up." I say still worried. He starts to move and I breathe out a sigh of relief. "Morning. Are you ok? You look worried." He says tiredly. "Well, I had a horrible dream and I've been really worried. I had a dream that you died and i was completely heart broken because, you've helped me through rough times." I explain. "You should of Cone and woke me up." Corbyn tells me smiling. "Anyway, I'll see at breakfast." He tells me and I nod. I head back to my ward to brush my hair and think about how happy I am. It was all just a dream.

I cried writing the first bit but after that, I was fine. Until the next , KaiKai is out!

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