Chapter Twelve - Pass The Popcorn; It's Getting Good. Or Is It...?

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A/N: yeah so i kinda need to hurry up and finish this story, as the watty awards are in like 3 weeks. so short authors notes now.. kk.

sorry if this sucks.



Alicia's POV

I stood outiside of the McDonalds, like Harry asked me to earlier that morning. I could feel my heart pounding with nervousness.

Yes, I'm 17 and this was my first ever outing with someone of the male kind.

Don't judge me.

The wind was blowing lightly and pulled my hat farther down to cover my freezing ears. I could feel the snowflakes melting on my nose. What if I mess up? Like end up being awkward around him?

Well screw that -- I'm always awkward.

The first thing that happened after Ri found out I was talking to Harry, she tackled me to the ground and pretty much interrogated me about how we decided we would start dating.

Yet, we weren't really dating. It was more like we were simply going to get to know each other better. Right?

But what would happen after we DID get to know each other? Would I begin to like him? Not like I don't like him now... I mean... you know, to begin to LIKE like him.

Then again I don't even know if I like like him if I don't know much about him. But something just draws me to him, and makes me feel like I DO like like him. Maybe it's because I've never like liked someone like him before.

You know?


I don't either.

I looked at the clock that hung outside of the bookstore next door the McDonalds. It read 4:08. The movie was going to start in 22 minutes. What if we didn't make it? Then what? What if he gets mobbed by girls like at the hotel? What if --

I was cut off by my ring tone.

Yes, I hadn't changed it from yesterday. It's still the wonderpets.

I over think too much.

I answered the call and Harry began to speak.

"Hey it's Harry... I'm right around the corner. Sorry to keep you waiting in the cold." He apologized.

"It's okay. I like not being able to feel my fingers." I joked. He laughed lightly and I could feel myself cringe at my horrible attempt to make him laugh.

"Look to your left."

I did as he said and I saw a ordinary cab waiting at the corner.

"All I see is a cab," I said, confused.

"Look inside the cab,"

I walked over to see Harry, smiling at me through the window, his dimples proudly placed on his cheeks.

So we meet again, cute dimples.

I opened the door and slid into the cab, snowflakes sweeping in as I shut the door. Harry grinned at me, looking as if he were proud of himself.

"Why are you so smiley?" I asked him, giggling slightly. My eyes searched the cab. "And where are your body guards?"

"I didn't bring any." He smirked.

"You idiot!" I face-palmed (A/N: is that a word? lol). "New York is filled with your fans! Who's going to protect you from them when we go into the movie theater?"

In Jesus' Name, Amen (Harry Styles fanfic) **IN EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now