Chapter ten

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There will be a slight bit of revenge and realization for Adrien/Chat, if you wish to continue to think that this isn't a Marichat fanfic and is instead an Adrigami(?) fanfic then stop reading here.
You have been warned!
Jumping into his room and detransforming a grin was plastered on Adrien's face as he entered Marinette into his contacts, her name obviously being Princess, before falling on his bed with his opened wide. Plagg just flew over to him, crossing his arms as he cleared his throat. "You have a message from your girlfriend." His voice was venom as he spoke of Kagami.

There was a saying that animals, especially cats, always knew when a person was good or bad. Adrien had heard of this but thought nothing of it. Plagg just doesn't like Kagami because I spend so much time with her, he thought to himself while checking the message from Kagami.

He nearly dropped his phone when he saw it was a picture of him as Chat Noir climbing out of Marinette's trapdoor with a pink face and a weird smile. Under it Kagami wrote:
"You might want to be careful of Marinette, she might get you targeted by an akuma by the looks of this. It seems that we finally found out who that cat's girlfriend is. I'll give this to Alya, she'll want it on her blog."

As soon as Adrien had completely read that message he felt a bit overwhelmed with anger. Pressing the call button he put the phone up to his ear. "Good eveni-" "Delete that picture." He interrupted, his voice as hard as concrete. "Excuse me?" Her words were quick and pushed through a clenched jaw.

"I said, delete it. I know Marinette isn't dating Chat Noir." His voice was hardened as he stood up and placed a hand on his hip, staring out one of his many windows angrily. "Oh, and how would that be? The evidence is all here." Kagami counters. He remembers what Alya and Luka had said about Kagami not liking Marinette.

"I know because I remembered that Marinette used to be a big Chat Noir fan when we used to talk so after the last akuma I asked him to visit her in hopes of cheering her up. Plus he probably just feels guilty for her getting hurt!" I exclaim and lower my voice.

"So delete the picture Kagami. I don't think cats like it when people mess with their things." Adrien didn't realize how threatening his voice had gotten. He didn't realize that Plagg was sitting on his shoulder, a growl in his throat as he stared at the object projecting the girl's voice.

They both knew that if she didn't hang up Adrien would go over there immediately and take the phone and destroy it. "...fine. I'll delete the picture." She finally gave in after Adrien added a forced, "For me?" He didn't realize it but he was quickly growing annoyed by the girl he'd been with for so long. "Thank you. Goodnight Kagami." He ended the phone call soon after that.

Sighing, he placed his phone on his desk, finding himself looking over at the original hoodie. He wonders what would happen if he wore it tomorrow? Would Marinette find out his secret? Would Alya and Luka? Would it be worth the risk to let his Princess know that he'd protect her day and night?

He hit his face a little, after all, what was he thinking! He has a girlfriend! And sure he's a little angry, well a lot more than a little, with her but couples get angry with each other every once in a while!


After all he still liked Kagami, he'd never been able to say he loved her for reason unknown to him, and he enjoyed her company. He didn't really like kissing her though but he just figured that he didn't like kissing people on the lips. He liked being able to walk to school with her, though he found following Marinette while she's jogging was more enjoyable, was fun. "Go to sleep Kid, we'll deal with it in the morning." Plagg said, patting his shoulder and flying off to get some Camembert.

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